Hate Crimes

Hate Crimes

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FBI Releases 2019 Hate Crime Statistics
FBI Releases 2019 Hate Crime Statistics
law enforcement roundtable report on hate crimes



Improving Hate Crimes Investigations and Reporting: U.S. Department of Justice Issues Comprehensive Report and Roadmap

A comprehensive new report by the DOJ’s Hate Crimes Enforcement and Prevention Initiative sets forth key recommendations and action steps to combat hate crime.

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What is a hate crime?

What is a hate crime?

In the simplest terms, a hate crime must include both “hate” and a "crime."

Learn about Hate Crimes

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Learn more about hate crimes in the United States.


The Islamic Center of Victoria, in Victoria Texas, engulfed in flames after being set on fire – Read examples of federal hate crimes cases.

Photo Credit: Omar Rachid

Read examples of federal hate crimes cases.


Hate Crimes Prevention

Photo Credit: Shutterstock

Find out how hate crimes can be prevented in your community.


Thick white pillars with ornate decorations at the top. Icons of resources are on top of the image – Access a comprehensive collection of DOJ’s hate crimes resources.

Photo Credit: Getty Images

Access a comprehensive collection of DOJ's hate crimes resources.


Hate Crimes - Get Help Now
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Combating hate crimes is one of the Department of Justice’s highest priorities. In this effort to
fight bias and hate, the DOJ created this website as a centralized portal for all its hate
crimes resources for law enforcement, media, researchers, victims, advocacy groups,
and other interested organizations and individuals. Use these resources to learn more about
hate crimes, encourage hate crime reporting, and make America safer for all.