Maryland-Delaware-D.C. Water Science Center


Welcome to our Water Science Center! Water resources of Maryland, Delaware, and the District of Columbia consist of numerous streams, springs, lakes, and aquifer systems. Streamflow, groundwater levels, and water-quality data are collected at numerous locations, and water-use data are collected throughout the area in cooperation with other federal, state and local agencies, universities, and research centers. Feel free to examine the hydrologic data we collect and the scientific investigations we conduct at the MD-DE-DC Water Science Center.

Chesapeake Bay Activities

Chesapeake Bay Activities

The USGS has the critical role to provide scientific information for the improved understanding and management of the Bay ecosystem. The USGS works with Federal, State, and academic science partners to provide research, assessment, and monitoring.

USGS Chesapeake Bay

Local Water Conditions

Local Water Conditions

Explore real-time streamflow, groundwater, and water-quality conditions and access data for MD, DE, and DC with our new interactive map application. This application offers data displays on multiple device platforms with various basemap options.

Local Water Conditions


Featured below are some popular features on the MD-DE-DC Water Science site. To better navigate our pages, please use the vertical header listing to the left side of this window.

Our Recent Publications

Water Conditions for Maryland

Water Conditions for Delaware

Water Conditions for Washington, DC

USGS Water Science Center Seminars & Talks

Maryland Storm-Tide Sensor Network

Freshwater Flow into Chesapeake Bay

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Year Published: 2020

Meeting the challenge: U.S. Geological Survey North Atlantic and Appalachian Region fiscal year 2020 in review

The utilization, preservation, and conservation of the Nation’s resources requires well-informed management decisions. The North Atlantic and Appalachian Region (NAAR) of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) supports science-based decision making for Federal, State, and local policymakers to meet the challenges of today and into the future. The...

U.S. Geological Survey, 2020, Meeting the challenge—U.S. Geological Survey North Atlantic and Appalachian Region fiscal year 2020 in review: U.S. Geological Survey General Information Product 207, 20 p.,

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Year Published: 2020

Ecological forecasting—21st century science for 21st century management

Natural resource managers are coping with rapid changes in both environmental conditions and ecosystems. Enabled by recent advances in data collection and assimilation, short-term ecological forecasting may be a powerful tool to help resource managers anticipate impending near-term changes in ecosystem conditions or dynamics. Managers may use the...

Bradford, John B.; Weltzin, Jake F.; Mccormick, Molly; Baron, Jill; Bowen, Zack; Bristol, Sky; Carlisle, Daren; Crimmins, Theresa; Cross, Paul; DeVivo, Joe; Dietze, Mike; Freeman, Mary; Goldberg, Jason; Hooten, Mevin; Hsu, Leslie; Jenni, Karen; Keisman, Jennifer; Kennen, Jonathan; Lee, Kathy; Lesmes, David; Loftin, Keith; Miller, Brian W.; Murdoch, Peter; Newman, Jana; Prentice, Karen L.; Rangwala, Imtiaz; Read, Jordan; Sieracki, Jennifer; Sofaer, Helen; Thur, Steve; Toevs, Gordon; Werner, Francisco; White, C. LeAnn; White, Timothy; Wiltermuth, Mark
Bradford, J.B., Weltzin, J.F., McCormick, M., Baron, J., Bowen, Z., Bristol, S., Carlisle, D., Crimmins, T., Cross, P., DeVivo, J., Dietze, M., Freeman, M., Goldberg, J., Hooten, M., Hsu, L., Jenni, K., Keisman, J., Kennen, J., Lee, K., Lesmes, D., Loftin, K., Miller, B.W., Murdoch, P., Newman, J., Prentice, K.L., Rangwala, I., Read, J., Sieracki, J., Sofaer, H., Thur, S., Toevs, G., Werner, F., White, C.L., White, T., and Wiltermuth, M., 2020, Ecological forecasting—21st century science for 21st century management: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2020–1073, 54 p.,

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Year Published: 2020

Monthly suspended-sediment apportionment for a western Lake Erie agricultural tributary

Black Creek, a headwater to the Maumee River and western Lake Erie, is an agricultural basin with a mix of cropland (66%), pasture (19%), and forest (7%) linked by a road network to the rural community. Suspended sediment was collected monthly during the 2018 water year for the main stem and two sub-basins using in-situ, passive samplers that...

Williamson, Tanja N.; Dobrowolski, Edward G.; Gellis, Allen; Sabitov, Timur; Gorman Sanisaca, Lillian