
Dream Job

“It’s important to remind ourselves that we have the most glorious jobs in the world. We are all paid to figure out how the universe began and how it evolves. We’re paid to try to figure out how the night sky, full of galaxies and stars and planets, came to be. And we’re paid to try to find life elsewhere in the universe. What could be better than that?” 

–Paul Hertz, Director of Astrophysics Division

Konstantin Batygin

Associate Professor of Planetary Science

Umut Yildiz

Deep Space Communications Engineer

Bobak Ferdowsi

Systems Engineer

Sue Smrekar


Gerald Eichstädt

Citizen Scientist / Freelance Mathematician and Software Developer

Lynnae Quick


Ashwin Vasavada

Project Scientist

Casey Lisse

Instrument Scientist

Laurie Cantillo

Deputy Director, Communications & Education

Michele Dougherty

Principal Investigator

Morgan Cable


Ambarish Ganguly

Citizen Scientist / IT Professional

Nancy Neal Jones

Public Affairs Lead

Tricia Talbert

Senior Multimedia Designer

Maria Zuber


Charles Norton

Computer Scientist

Bruce Murray (1931-2013)

Director, NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Felix Landerer


Keith Gildea

Mechanical Engineer

Elisabeth "Libby" Hausrath

Associate Professor of Geoscience

Rosaly Lopes

Planetary Scientist

Andreas Beyersdorf

Atmospheric Chemist

Ian Brosnan

STEM Presidential Management Fellow

Paul Spudis

Lunar Geologist