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To current interim
2007-2008 Interim
(Additional committees and studies will be added as information becomes available and appointments are made.)

View currently scheduled meetings for all committees
The Legislature Between Sessions

Interim Committees

  Interim Finance Committee
     Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Review Allocations for Homeless
     Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Review Public Works Board Matters
  Legislative Commission
     Legislative Commission's Budget Subcommittee
     Legislative Commission's Information Technology Subcommittee

Statutory Committees

  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee of the Subcommittee on Juvenile Justice
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee to Consider Issues Related to a Study of "Truth in Sentencing"
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee to Study Mandatory Drug Sentencing Statutes and Substantial Assistance Statute
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice Steering Committee
  Advisory Commission on the Administration of Justice's Subcommittee on the Rights of Victims and Sources of Funding for Victims of Crime
  Commission on Special License Plates*
  Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste*
  Committee on Industrial Programs
  Committee to Consult with the Director
  Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee
  Legislative Commission's Subcommittee to Review Regulations
  Legislative Commission's Audit Subcommittee
  Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System*
  Legislative Committee on Education*
  Legislative Committee on Health Care*
  Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Review the Laws and Regulations Governing Providers of Health Care, the Use of Lasers and Intense Pulsed Light Therapy, and the Use of Injections of Cosmetic Substances
  Legislative Committee on Public Lands*
  Legislative Committee to Oversee the Western Regional Water Commission*

Interim Studies

  Implementation of Courts of Chancery
  Issues Relating to Senior Citizens and Veterans
  Mortgage Lending and Housing Issues
  Placement of Children in Foster Care
  Transportation Issues

Non-Legislative Committees

  Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health
  Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Northern Nevada
  Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Southern Nevada
  Advisory Committee on Nevada Criminal Justice Information Sharing
  Advisory Council on Parental Involvement
  Commission on Educational Technology
  Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools
  Education Commission of the States
  Gaming Policy Committee
  Governor's Workforce Investment Board
  Information Technology Advisory Board
  National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
  Nevada AIDS Advisory Task Force
  Nevada Autism Task Force
  Nevada Commission on Aging
  Nevada Commission on Homeland Security
  Nevada Commission on Sports
  Nevada Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council
  Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum*
  Nevada State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision
  Nevada State Council for Interstate Juvenile Supervision
  Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
  P-16 Advisory Council
  State of Nevada Economic Forum
  Technological Crime Advisory Board
  Washoe County Schools Construction and Revitalization Advisory Committee
  Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Legislative Advisory Committee

* On-line sign-up available to receive meeting notices.

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