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2003-2004 Interim

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The Legislature Between Sessions

Interim Committees

 Interim Finance Committee
 Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Community Triage Center
 Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee on Southern Nevada Women's Correctional Facility
 Legislative Commission
 Legislative Commission's Budget Subcommittee
Statutory Committees

 Commission on Special License Plates (A.B. 358)
 Committee on High-Level Radioactive Waste
 Committee on Industrial Programs
 Committee to Consult with the Director
 Committee to Evaluate Higher Education Programs (A.B. 203)
 Committee to Evaluate Higher Education Programs - Subcommittee (A.B. 203)
 Committee to Review Regulations
 Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee
 Legislative Commission's Audit Subcommittee
 Legislative Committee for Local Government Taxes and Finance
 Legislative Committee for Local Government Taxes and Finance - Advisory Committee
 Legislative Committee for Local Government Taxes and Finance - Advisory Committee Subcommittee to Study Distribution of Revenues Within Redevelopment Areas
 Legislative Committee for the Review and Oversight of the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and the Marlette Lake Water System (S.B. 216)
 Legislative Committee on Children, Youth and Families (NRS 218.53723)
 Legislative Committee on Children, Youth and Families Adoption Subcommittee
 Legislative Committee on Children, Youth and Families Kinship Care Subcommittee
 Legislative Committee on Education
 Legislative Committee on Health Care
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Current Challenges of Ensuring Adequate Health Care is Available to All Nevadans (S.B. 289)
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Health Insurance Expansion Options
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Health Insurance Expansion Options Technical Working Group
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Medical and Societal Costs and Impacts of Obesity (S.C.R. 13)
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Staffing of the System for Delivery of Health Care in Nevada (A.B. 313)
 Legislative Committee on Health Care Subcommittee to Study Staffing of the System for Delivery of Health Care in Nevada Advisory Committee (A.B. 313)
 Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities (S.B. 137)
 Legislative Committee on Persons with Disabilities Advisory Committee (S.B. 137)
 Legislative Committee on Public Lands
 Legislative Committee on Public Lands Subcommittee to Study Changing State Boundary Line with Utah (S.C.R. 20)
 Legislative Committee on Public Lands Subcommittee to Study Wilderness Areas and Wilderness Study Areas (S.C.R. 7)
 Legislative Committee on Taxation, Public Revenue and Tax Policy (S.B. 8, 20th Special Session)
 Nevada Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission (S.B. 301)
 Nevada Mental Health Plan Implementation Commission Subcommittee to Continue Work of the Commission (S.B.301)
 Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada
 Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada Subcommittee to Study Health Care Priorities of the Task Force (NRS 439.625)
Interim Studies

 Advisory Committee concerning Criminal Justice System in Rural Nevada
 Allocation of Limousines (A.B. 518)
 Criminal Justice System in Rural Nevada and Transitional Housing for Released Offenders (S.C.R. 32)
 Feasibility of Long-Range Mass Transit within State and to Urban Areas of Neighboring States (S.C.R. 31)
 Juvenile Justice System (A.C.R. 18)
 Nevada's Industrial Insurance Program (S.B. 292)
 Public Employees' Benefits Program (A.C.R. 10)
 Public Employees' Benefits Program Advisory Committee (A.C.R. 10)
 Public Employees' Benefits Program Advisory Committee Fiscal Work Group (A.C.R. 10)
 Public Employees' Benefits Program Advisory Committee Policy and Benefits Work Group (A.C.R. 10)
 Public Employees' Benefits Program Advisory Committee Request for Information Work Group (A.C.R. 10)
 Telecommunication Services in Nevada (A.C.R. 2, 20th Special Session)
Legislative Commission Subcommittees

 Information Technology Subcommittee
 Legislative Commission's Subcommittee to Review Open Meeting Law as Related to the Board of Regents
 Legislative Counsel Bureau Biennial Budget Review
 Security Subcommittee
Non-Legislative Committees

 Advisory Board for the Nevada Task Force for Technological Crime
 Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health
 Advisory Commission on Sentencing
 Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Northern Nevada
 Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Southern Nevada
 Advisory Council for Community Notification (concerning Sex Offenders)
 Commission on Educational Technology
 Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools
 Education Commission of the States
 Gaming Policy Committee
 Governor's Workforce Investment Board (Public Law #105-220)
 Information Technology Advisory Board
 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
 Nevada AIDS Advisory Task Force
 Nevada Commission on Aging
 Nevada Commission on Homeland Security (A.B. 441)
 Nevada Early Intervention Interagency Coordinating Council
 Nevada Silver Haired Legislative Forum
 Nevada State Council for Interstate Adult Offender Supervision
 Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
 State of Nevada Economic Forum
 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Legislative Advisory Committee

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