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1999-2000 Interim

The 70th (1999) Session of the Nevada Legislature ended on May 31, 1999.
The 71st (2001) Session of the Nevada Legislature will begin on February 5, 2001.

The Legislature Between Sessions
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Interim Committees
 Interim Finance Committee
 Legislative Commission
 Legislative Interim Committee Chairs
Statutory Committees

 Advisory Board on Prison Industry
 Audit Subcommittee
 Committee to Consult with the Director
 Committee to Review Regulations
 Distribution among Local Governments of Revenue from State and Local Taxes
 Distribution among Local Governments of Revenue from State and Local Taxes-Advisory Committee
 Distribution among State and Local Governments of Revenue from State and Local Taxes-Highway Costs Subcommittee
 High-Level Radioactive Waste
 Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee
 Legislative Committee for the Fundamental Review of the Base Budgets of State Agencies
 Legislative Committee on Education
 Legislative Committee on Health Care
 Legislative Committee on Public Lands
 Legislative Committee on Workers' Compensation
 Marlette Lake Water System Advisory Committee
 National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws
 Subcommittee on Project Genesis/Department of Information Technology (DoIT).
 Subcommittee on Study of the Assessment of Certain Interstate or Intercounty Property
 Subcommittee to Study Domestic and Municipal Water Wells
 Subcommittee to Study Domestic and Municipal Water Wells - Technical Advisory Committee
 Task Force for the Fund for a Healthy Nevada
Interim Studies

 Advisory Committee to Examine Locating a 4-Year State College in Henderson
 Air Quality Programs in Clark County
 Commission on School Safety and Juvenile Violence
 Committee to Study the Funding of Higher Education
 Encouraging Businesses to Organize and Conduct Business in Nevada
 Integration of State and Local Child Welfare Systems
 Limitations on Damages that may be Awarded against the State and its Political Subdivisions
 Long Term Care in Nevada
 Pension Plan for Certain Justices and Judges
 Reapportionment and Redistricting
 System of Juvenile Justice in Nevada
 Tahoe Regional Planning Agency
 Task Force on Access to Public Health Services
Legislative Commission SubCommittees

 Information Technology Subcommittee
 LCB Biennial Budget Review
 Security Subcommittee
 Subcommittee on Construction of Swimming Pools
 Subcommittee to Review Proposed Regulation of Board of the Public Employees Benefits Program
Non-Legislative Committees

 Advisory Board for the Nevada Task Force for Technological Crime
 Advisory Board on Maternal and Child Health
 Advisory Board on Motor Vehicle Repair
 Advisory Commission on Sentencing
 Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Northern Nevada
 Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Southern Nevada
 Advisory Committee for the Statewide Automated System of Information Concerning Pupils
 Advisory Council for Community Notification (concerning Sex Offenders)
 Advisory Council on Mortgage Investments and Mortgage Lending
 Commission on Educational Technology
 Commission on Ethics
 Commission on Nuclear Projects
 Commission on Substance Abuse Education, Prevention, Enforcement, and Treatment
 Council to Establish Academic Standards for Public Schools
 E-Government Initiative Committee
 Economic Forum
 Education Commission of the States
 Gaming Policy Committee
 Governor's State of the State Address
 Governor's Steering Committee to Conduct a Fundamental Review of State Government
 Health Science and Allied Health Programs of the University of Nevada (SB385)
 Information Technology Advisory Board
 Joint Legislative Branch/Judicial Branch Meeting Boyd School of Law
 Nevada AIDS Advisory Task Force
 Nevada Commission on Aging
 Nevada Commission on Sports
 Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
 State Planning Commission for School Facilities
 Task Force for Long-Term Financial Analysis and Planning
 Task Force for Long-Term Financial Analysis and Planning Subcommittee on the Preparation of Long-Term Forecasts
 Task Force for Long-Term Financial Analysis and Planning Subcommittee on the Use of Long-Term Forecasts
 Task Force to Study High School Proficiency Examination in Mathematics
 Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education Legislative Advisory Committee
 Western States Legislative Fiscal Officers Association

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