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1997-1998 Interim

Legislative Commission (NRS 218.660)

Interim Finance Committee (NRS 218.6825)

Interim Committees

Interim Studies of the Legislative Commission

  • Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (SCR2)
  • Fees, Fines, Forfeitures, and Administrative Assessments imposed and collected by the Courts (SCR10)
  • Construction and Maintenance of Highways (SCR53)
  • Care and Commitment of the Mentally Ill (SCR60)
  • Family Courts (ACR32)
  • Special Education and Student Discipline (ACR44)
  • Juvenile Justice System (ACR57)
  • Staff Studies of the Legislative Commission

    Non-Legislative Committees

    1. Nevada Commission on Aging
    2. AIDS Advisory Task Force
    3. Gaming Policy
    4. Ethics
    5. Nuclear Projects
    6. Information Technology Advisory Board
    7. Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Northern Nevada
    8. Advisory Committee for a Veterans' Cemetery in Southern Nevada
    9. Education Commission of the States
    10. Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education
    11. Nevada Commission on Sports
    12. Maternal and Child Health
    13. Economic Forum
    14. Statewide Automated System of Information Concerning Pupils
    15. Advisory Board on Motor Vehicle Repair
    16. Nevada Veterans' Services Commission
    17. Commission on Educational Technology
    18. Academic Standards for Public Schools
    19. Rocky Mountain Presidential Primary Task Force
    20. State Planning Commission for School Facilities
    21. Advisory Commission on Sentencing
    22. Advisory Council for Community Notification

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