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Welcome to the  Fiscal Analysis Division 
Nevada Legislative Counsel Bureau

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  About the Fiscal Analysis Division
  Bureau of Educational Accountability & Program Evaluation (LeBeape)

The Legislative Bureau of Educational Accountability & Program Evaluation (LeBeape) is responsible for collecting and analyzing data and issuing reports on the accountability of statewide education programs, testing and assessment programs, class-size reduction, and special education programs. LeBeape is also responsible for conducting studies and analyses to evaluate the performance and progress of the state's system of public education.

Interim Finance Committee
  Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee for Federal Stimulus Oversight
  Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Conduct a Review of Nevada's Revenue Structure
  Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Conduct a Review of Nevada's Revenue Structure Working Group to Review Nominations for the Nevada Vision Stakeholder Group
  Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Conduct a Review of Nevada's Revenue Structure Working Group to Review Responses to the Request for Proposal
  Interim Finance Committee's Subcommittee to Review Public Works Board Matters
Interim Retirement and Benefits Committee


Fiscal Reports

The Fiscal Report, prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division at the beginning of each legislative session, is based on information provided in the Governor's Executive Budget. The report provides a summary of the financial status of the state and the Governor's budget recommendations for the next biennium. The report also includes information on historical and future revenue trends, historical expenditures, overview of tax changes, and budget summaries by function of government.

Appropriations Report

The Appropriations Report, prepared by the Fiscal Analysis Division after each legislative session, is designed to provide a summary of all legislative budgetary and taxation actions taken by the Nevada Legislature. The report provides a comparison between the Governor's Executive Budget and the final legislative actions. The report contains information on the state's General Fund revenues, capital and park improvement projects, special and "one-time" appropriations, supplemental appropriations, and budget summaries of the state agencies by governmental function.

Legislatively Approved Budgets by Budget Account Detail

This section contains the legislatively approved budgets by budget account detail for each biennium for which the Legislature is required to approve budget appropriations for the operation of state government. The Governor's recommended and agency requested funding levels are provided for comparison to the legislatively approved levels. The appropriation detail is presented by general ledger account for each expenditure category by budget decision unit (base budget, maintenance budget, and enhancement budget).

Revenue Reference Manual


The Revenue Reference Manual contains summary information on the administration, procedures, amount of collections, distribution, and legal references for the State of Nevada's major state and local revenue sources.The report also includes a historical overview of tax legislation from the 1979 legislative session through the latest session. Other sections of the report provide information on local government finance issues, the state's education funding formula, and the fiscal note process.

Economic Forum

The Economic Forum was created by the Legislature during the 1993 legislative session (NRS 353.226-229). The Economic Forum is responsible for providing forecasts of the state's general fund revenues for each biennium budget period.

The Nevada Plan

The Nevada Plan describes the means used to finance elementary and secondary education in Nevada's public schools. The report contains an overview of school funding in the state, as well as comparative national information. An example of how the Nevada Plan is applied to a hypothetical school district is also included.

2003 Revenue Plan Fact Sheet

The Revenue Plan Fact Sheet provides an overview of the tax changes approved by the 2003 Legislature during the 20th Special Session. The report also provides estimates of the amount of additional general fund revenue anticipated in fiscal year 2003-04 and fiscal year 2004-05 of the 2003-05 biennium from the approved changes in existing taxes and the new taxes adopted in Senate Bill 2, Senate Bill 8, and Assembly Bill 4.


Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada

Governor's Task Force on Tax Policy in Nevada - Technical Working Group
Executive Summary of the Curriculum Alignment Study by The Standards Company, dated September 25, 2008
Final Report of the Curriculum Alignment Study by The Standards Company, dated December 19, 2008

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