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Government Administration and Elections Committee

The Government Administration and Elections Committee has cognizance of all matters relating to the Department of Administrative Services, including purchasing and central collections, but excluding personnel and labor relations; all matters relating to the Department of Public Works; all matters relating to state government organization and reorganization, structures and procedures; all matters relating to leasing, construction, maintenance, purchase and sale of state property and facilities and all bills authorizing the conveyance of real property, or any interest therein, by the state shall be referred to said committee; the Freedom of Information Commission and the Ethics Commission; state and federal relations; interstate compacts; compacts between the state and Indian tribes; constitutional amendments, including any proposed constitutional amendments favorably reported by any other committee, which proposed amendments shall be referred to said committee; and all matters relating to elections and election laws. Calendar

Contact the Committee
For the Record

  Committee Membership

  Mailing Address:
      Government Administrations and Elections Committee
      Room 2200, Legislative Office Building
      Hartford, CT 06106
      Phone: 860-240-0480

  Bill Record Book
  Bills Reported Out of Committee
  Committee Meetings
  Joint Favorable (JF) Reports
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  Vote Tally Sheets

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Related Information

Commission on Enhancing Agency Outcomes
Green Party of Connecticut, et al. v. Jeffrey Garfield, et al.
Municipal Ethics Task Force
State Elections Enforcement Public Hearing Transcripts on the Citizens' Election Fund
State-Tribal Resource Guide

Task Force to Study the Reduction of State Agency Paper and Duplicative Procedures
Task Force 2/18/11 Memorandum
Task Force 2/18/11 Final Report

Useful Links

Connecticut Attorney General Whistleblower Unit
Connecticut Comptroller
Connecticut Secretary of the State
Department of Administrative Services
Freedom of Information Commission
Office of State Ethics
State Elections Enforcement Commission
UCONN Voter Technology Research Center

Connecticut Network CT-N