Recruiting and Staffing

How to Showcase Your Company Brand in a Video Interview

© Andrey Burmakin - Fotolia

Fast-growing, successful businesses realize the importance of a positive brand image. It acts as a first impression to consumers, key stakeholders and more importantly, potential employees.

In fact, a recent survey by CareerBuilder found that 91 percent of candidates believe employment brand plays a key role in their decision whether or not to apply.

Showcasing your unique company brand to job candidates is easily done when you can give them a tour of the office space and introduce them to employees. Featuring your brand in a virtual environment, on the other hand, is a bit trickier. Read more…

HR News & Trends, Legal Issues

Court OKs Firing of Public Employee Who Criticized Boss on Facebook

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By Eric B. Meyer

You know all that stuff you read on the Internet about employees who can badmouth their boss on the Internet, all in the name of free speech, and not get fired for it?

Yeah, about that.

Here’s a recent opinion from the Fifth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans about a 25-year police sergeant, a public employee, whose First Amendment freedom of speech rights were not violated when she was fired for posting Facebook comments, which were critical of her boss. Read more…

HR Management, Talent Management

Talent Management Gone Wrong: When It’s All’s Well That Ends Well


In May, I wrote about a young man who had been identified by a Fortune 100 firm as a high potential and placed into a leadership development program to prepare for the possibility of promotion into the executive ranks.

In September, I updated the story to what I thought would be a sad conclusion.

But this story has a happy ending. On a recent Friday, the young man was offered the position of Director for a Fortune 100 company, with all the frills that go along with moving into the executive ranks. Read more…

Rewards & Recognition, Talent Management

Are You Ready For “The Year of the Retention Challenge?”

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I love my job. Every day, I get to help people find ways to make their work environments and culture more appreciative, grateful and purpose-driven.

That’s powerful stuff. Arriving at such an important end goal, however, requires involving all employees in the effort. After all, every employee contributes to the culture of the company (whether good or bad).

The ramifications of this are quite broad. Many are calling 2015 the year of the retention challenge, with good reason. Read more…


Common Myths That Are Getting in the Way of Good Leadership


People are promoted because they’re good at their jobs. Being in a leadership position is a very different job, for which most are not trained.

Why they’re not trained is a bit of a mystery. It’s as though colleges and professional schools don’t expect their graduates to move beyond the entry level.

Interestingly, well-intentioned managers, doing their best to be good organizational leaders, often repeat unhelpful supervisory practices experienced in their early careers, even if they disliked them at the time. Read more…

HR Insights, HR News & Trends

2015 HR Trends: More Tech Adoption and a Greater Focus on Talent

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Global economic growth and the resounding need to engage employees in all parts of the globe dominated HR headlines in 2014. But as one year closes and another one moves ahead, it’s time to once again predict what is in store for 2015.

Here are three (3) distinct HR trends that we fully expect to headline conversations in the new year. You’ll see that the common thread in these trends is the emphasis on new technologies and innovations that will drive the HR industry forward.

From benefits technology to leveraging big data to better understanding your employees, 2015 will bring with it sophisticated new technologies and methods for HR, which, if approached correctly, will be a win for all parties. Read more…

HR Basics, HR Management

HR 101: To Background Check or NOT to Background Check

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When it comes to making hiring decisions, the more information you have about a candidate, the better.

More information makes it easier to decide if the candidate will work out, but could too much information be a bad thing?

Many companies conduct some type of background checks, but may wonder if it is legal to delve into an applicant’s personal information. How extensive should these inquiries be? And at what point in the hiring process should they be done? These are very important questions to ask before embarking on background checks. Read more…

HR Technology

Technology Insights: HR Tech That’s Not Really For HR

HR Technology

The most important theme I detected in HR technology this past year is a shift from HR focused applications to business focused applications.

Traditionally, HR Tech was about helping HR do its work — for example an applicant tracking system to help recruiters or a learning management system to help the training department—and in fact, that hasn’t changed. The vast bulk of HR technology is about helping HR professionals do their job.

However, there is something new: HR applications focused primarily on the business. Read more…

HR Insights, Talent Management

Five Things Your Co-Workers Really Wish That You Knew


There’s no “I” in team.” — Classic American teamwork slogan

No, but there’s a ‘me’ if you move a few letters around.” — Sarcastic response

When was the last time you worked completely alone, with no one to help you? Unless you’re an impoverished artist starving in a garret somewhere, the answer’s probably “never.”

No matter what our career tracks or work disciplines, nearly all of us depend on other people to help and back us up. Even people who work far afield, like explorers and archaeologists, tend to work in groups or depend on a support team back home. Read more…

Culture, Talent Management

Fostering the Human Element and a Cycle of Engagement


Leaders today know that employee engagement is the key to high performance, so let’s look below the surface and see what’s really involved in creating an engaged workforce.

One definition of engagement includes both the aspects of emotional involvement and commitment. You will want to keep those two aspects in mind as you continue to read my comments on this critical subject and understand why “heart” matters so much when it comes to engagement. Read more…