
fusion energy device

TAE Technologies is a California-based company pursuing the development of a commercially viable fusion energy device. Image: TAE Technologies

ALCF computing resources and expertise are powerful tools for driving innovation and competiveness in the private sector.

Equipped with advanced capabilities for simulation, data, and machine learning, ALCF supercomputers help companies expedite R&D efforts for many applications, including combustion engines, novel materials for energy and medicine, and fusion energy devices, to name a few.

With access to ALCF systems and expertise, industry researchers can create higher-fidelity models, achieve more accurate predictions, and quickly analyze massive amounts of data. The results enable companies to accelerate critical breakthroughs, verify uncertainties, and drastically reduce or eliminate the need to build multiple prototypes.

Ultimately, industry partnerships with the ALCF help to strengthen the nation’s innovation infrastructure and expand the use of HPC resources to improve competitiveness.

To broaden this impact, the ALCF Industry Partnerships Program is focused on growing the facility’s community of industry users by engaging prospective companies of all sizes, from start-ups to Fortune 500 corporations, that could benefit from the facility’s leadership computing resources and leverage ALCF expertise.

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