Great Lakes Science Center


Welcome!  The Great Lakes Science Center (GLSC) is part of the Midwest region of the USGS. Our scientists work in the Great Lakes region and other parts of the country to meet the nation’s need for scientific information used by resource managers to restore, enhance, manage, and protect the living resources and habitats in the Great Lakes basin. 

Mapping Application for the Lower Maumee River (MALMR)

Mapping Application for the Lower Maumee River (MALMR)

The Mapping Application for the Lower Maumee River (MALMR) is intended to support science-based decision making regarding habitat restoration at various scales in the lower Maumee River and surrounding region. 

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Date published: December 18, 2020

National Geographic Photographer Gives a Shout Out to Sea Lamprey Team at Hammond Bay

National Geographic photographer discusses HBBS photo shoot on NPR. 

Date published: December 16, 2020

Brave Wilderness sea lamprey episodes receive millions of views on YouTube

Brave Wilderness (YouTube) featured our Hammond Bay Biological Station's research on Sea Lamprey control in the Great Lakes during two episodes released in November 2020.

Date published: December 16, 2020

Good Morning America highlights sea lamprey photographed at the GLSC’s Hammond Bay Biological Station

Good Morning America (ABC) highlighted National Geographic's cover story on the Great Lakes for their December 2020 issue. GLSC's Hammond Bay Biological Station put a spotlight on its Sea Lamprey research during a 2019 photo shoot.


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Year Published: 2021

Elucidating controls on cyanobacteria bloom timing and intensity via Bayesian mechanistic modeling

The adverse impacts of harmful algal blooms (HABs) are increasing worldwide. Lake Erie is a North American Great Lake highly affected by cultural eutrophication and summer cyanobacterial HABs. While phosphorus loading is a known driver of bloom size, more nuanced yet crucial questions remain. For example, it is unclear what mechanisms are...

Del Giudice, Dario; Fang, Shiqi; Scavia, Donald; Davis, Timothy W.; Evans, Mary Anne; Obenour, Daniel R

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Year Published: 2020

Evidence of an extreme weather‐induced phenological mismatch and a local extirpation of the endangered Karner blue butterfly

In 2011, an experiment was undertaken to examine spring synchrony between the endangered Karner blue butterfly (Lycaeides melissa samuelis) (Kbb) and its obligate host plant, wild blue lupine (Lupinus perennis) at Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore (INDU), where the southernmost population of Kbb occurred at the time of this study. From 2012 to 2014...

Patterson, Tamatha; Grundel, Ralph; Dzurisin, Jason D. K.; Knutson, Randy L.; Hellmann, Jessica

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Year Published: 2020

Nanopore amplicon sequencing reveals molecular convergence and local adaptation of rhodopsin in Great Lakes salmonids

Local adaptation can drive diversification of closely related species across environmental gradients and promote convergence of distantly related taxa that experience similar conditions. We examined a potential case of adaptation to novel visual environments in a species flock (Great Lakes salmonids, genus Coregonus) using a new amplicon...

Eaton, Katherine; Bernal, Moises; Backenstose, Nathan; Yule, Daniel; Krabbenhoft, Trevor J.