Savings Bond Pro® - Requirements

To install and use Savings Bond Pro properly, your PC must have:

  • Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or higher
  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer® (IE) 4.0 or higher*
  • Adobe® Acrobat Reader® 4.05 or higher*
  • Stand–alone Disk Space: 40 MB (with the Treasury File: 400 MB)**
  • Client/Server Disk Space: 25 MB/120 MB (with the Treasury File: 25 MB/500 MB)**
  • 32 MB RAM, recommended
  • 800 X 600 resolution, recommended


  • Users need read, write, modify, and delete permissions in the Bond Pro folder.
  • To use SQL Server, you must already have the database structure in place.

*IE is needed to view the Help System; if you have Internet connectivity, you can also download new bond values from within Bond Pro. Acrobat Reader is needed to view/print paper tables, the PD P 0022, gift certificates, and the like. Both can be installed using the Bond Pro CD.

**The Treasury File contains a list of bonds reported to Treasury as lost, stolen, destroyed, or not received. If the Serial Number Review feature is used, this file is required – all serial numbers entered in Bond Pro will be compared to the Treasury File. If a match is found, Bond Pro will instruct you on what to do.