O*NET® 25.1 Database

The O*NET database contains a rich set of variables that describe work and worker characteristics, including skill requirements. Developers and other customers are encouraged to incorporate the O*NET database within their products, services, and research. This section contains an overview of the most recent database and a variety of database download options, as well as format-specific data dictionaries.

Highlights of the O*NET 25.1 Database

The O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy structure has been revised based on the transition to the 2018 SOC. The O*NET 25.1 Database, which incorporates the new O*NET-SOC taxonomy, includes 1,016 occupational titles, 923 of which represent O*NET data-level occupations.

A technical report, Updating the O*NET-SOC Taxonomy: Incorporating the 2018 SOC Structure, is available which describes the new O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy structure. The overall relationship between the O*NET-SOC 2019 and the 2018 SOC is summarized. Code, title, or description changes that occurred from transitioning to the new 2018 SOC structure are detailed in the report. The new O*NET-SOC 2019 structure also includes four cybersecurity-related new and emerging occupations.

For a graphical overview of the new structure see: About the O*NET-SOC 2019 Taxonomy

Data from the O*NET 25.0 Database (O*NET-SOC 2010) has been incorporated into the new O*NET-SOC 2019 taxonomy, including the new O*NET-SOC codes, titles, and descriptions for all 1,016 O*NET-SOC 2019 occupations.

Task statements are included for all 923 O*NET-SOC 2019 data-collection-level occupations. A total of 874 occupations include data on Knowledge, Skills, Abilities, and other descriptors in this release. 53 of these occupations include data aggregated from one or more predecessor O*NET-SOC 2010 occupations. In these cases, data is marked with “Analyst - Transition” in the Domain Source column. Some ratings, including Education, Training, and Experience ratings, are not available. These occupations will be updated through the O*NET Data Collection program with data from job incumbents and occupation experts, replacing the transitional data in future releases of the O*NET Database.

Taxonomy-related updates within the 25.1 release include:

  • Addition of 62 O*NET-SOC 2019 occupations
  • Update of O*NET-SOC codes, titles, and/or descriptions for 345 occupations
  • Addition and update of Task Statements for 127 occupations
  • Addition and update of Abilities, Skills, Work Activities, Knowledge, and Work Context data for 53 occupations
  • Addition of Work Styles data for 53 occupations
  • Addition of Job Zones data for 53 occupations
  • Addition and update of Detailed Work Activities (DWAs) and linkages for 127 occupations
  • Addition and update of Alternate Titles and Sample of Reported Titles for 127 occupations
  • Addition and update of Technology Skills and Tools Used for 98 occupations

For additional details on this release, see the O*NET 25.1 Data Dictionary, Appendix 4.

In the 25.0 database, 100 occupations were updated by job incumbents and occupational experts.

  • Addition and update of Task Statement ratings (importance, relevance, and frequency) for 100 occupations
  • Addition and update of Abilities, Skills, Work Activities, Knowledge, and Work Context data for 100 occupations
  • Addition and update of Training and Work Experience and Education data for 100 occupations
  • Addition and update of Work Styles data for 100 occupations
  • Addition and update of Job Zones data for 100 occupations
  • Addition and update of Detailed Work Activities (DWAs) and linkages for 79 occupations
  • Addition and update of Alternate Titles and Sample of Reported Titles for 245 occupations

The O*NET Database: A Primary Source of Occupational Information

The O*NET database has a wide variety of worker and job oriented data categories. The O*NET Content Model provides the framework that identifies and organizes this important information about work. The O*NET-SOC Occupation Taxonomy covers work performed in the U.S. economy and defines the set of occupations for which data is collected.

The O*NET Data Collection Program currently makes updates to the O*NET Database on a quarterly basis, with a primary update occurring in the 3rd quarter of each year. Listings showing data updates by category or occupation are available on the Occupation Update Summary page. See Data Publication Schedule for a listing of primary updates and collection history. Past releases of the O*NET Database are available on the Database Releases Archive page.

Science Behind the O*NET Database

We have published several reports to explain the research and procedures involved in developing the O*NET Database. To learn more, visit these sections in our Reports and Documents area:

Share or Adapt the O*NET Database

Creative Commons licensed
The O*NET 25.1 Database is available under a Creative Commons license. See the Database license page for more information.

The O*NET database is provided in five formats:

  • Microsoft Excel (XLSX)
  • Tab-delimited text files
  • SQL files for MySQL, PostgreSQL, or compatible relational databases
  • SQL files for Microsoft SQL Server
  • SQL files for Oracle Database

Previous releases of the database are available at the Database Releases Archive.

Creative Commons licensed
The O*NET 25.1 Database is available under a Creative Commons license. See the Database license page for more information.

All Files

O*NET 25.1 Database

Download all 37 files in the O*NET core database, in one convenient ZIP archive.

Data Dictionary

Read the comprehensive documentation for the O*NET 25.1 Database online.

Individual File Documentation

Creative Commons licensed
The O*NET 25.1 Database is available under a Creative Commons license. See the Database license page for more information.

Knowledge, Skills, Abilities

Knowledge updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Knowledge data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Skills updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Skill data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Abilities updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Ability data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Education, Experience, Training

Education, Training, and Experience updated in 25.1

This file contains the percent frequency data associated with Education, Training, and Experience Content Model elements. Read more...

Education, Training, and Experience Categories

This file contains the categories associated with the Education, Training, and Experience content area. Read more...

Job Zones updated in 25.1

This file contains each O*NET-SOC code and its corresponding Job Zone number. Read more...

Job Zone Reference

This file describes the five O*NET Job Zones, which are groups of occupations that need the same level of experience, education, and training. Read more...

Interests, Work Values, Work Styles

Interests updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Interest data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Work Values updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Work Values data associated with each O*NET- SOC occupation. Read more...

Work Styles updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Work Styles data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...


Task Statements updated in 25.1

This file contains the tasks associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Task Ratings updated in 25.1

This file contains the task ratings associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Task Categories

This file contains the categories associated with the Task content area. Read more...

Emerging Tasks updated in 25.1

This file contains new and revised task statements proposed for future data collection. Read more...

Technology Skills & Tools

Technology Skills updated in 25.1

This file contains the Technology Skills examples, including hot technologies, associated with O*NET-SOC occupations. Read more...

Tools Used updated in 25.1

This file contains the Tools Used examples associated with O*NET-SOC occupations. Read more...

UNSPSC Reference updated in 25.1

This file contains a listing of commodities in the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC), version 15.1101. Read more...

Work Activities

Work Activities updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Work Activity data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

IWA Reference

This file contains each Intermediate Work Activity and its corresponding O*NET Work Activity element ID. Read more...

DWA Reference updated in 25.1

This file contains each Detailed Work Activity and its corresponding GWA and IWA identifiers. Read more...

Tasks to DWAs updated in 25.1

This file maps each Detailed Work Activity (DWA) to the task statements, and consequently to the O*NET-SOC occupations, requiring that activity. Read more...

Work Context

Work Context updated in 25.1

This file contains the Content Model Work Context data associated with each O*NET-SOC occupation. Read more...

Work Context Categories

This file contains the categories associated with the Work Context content area. Read more...

Occupation Titles

Occupation Data updated in 25.1

This file contains each O*NET-SOC code, occupational title, and definition/description. Read more...

Alternate Titles updated in 25.1

This file contains alternate, or "lay", occupational titles for the O*NET-SOC classification system. Read more...

Sample of Reported Titles updated in 25.1

This file contains job titles frequently reported by incumbents and occupational experts on data collection surveys. Read more...

Related Occupations

Career Changers Matrix updated in 25.1

For each O*NET-SOC code included, up to 10 related O*NET-SOC codes are listed. Read more...

Career Starters Matrix updated in 25.1

For each O*NET-SOC code included, 10 related O*NET-SOC codes are listed. Read more...

Cross-Domain Linkages

Abilities to Work Activities

This file contains linkages between abilities and relevant work activities. Read more...

Abilities to Work Context

This file contains linkages between abilities and relevant work context. Read more...

Skills to Work Activities

This file contains linkages between skills and relevant work activities. Read more...

Skills to Work Context

This file contains linkages between skills and relevant work context. Read more...

Data Collection

Content Model Reference

This file contains the Content Model elements and descriptions. Read more...

Occupation Level Metadata updated in 25.1

This file contains occupational level metadata variables associated with data collection statistics. Read more...

Level Scale Anchors

This file contains the scale anchors associated with the following four content areas – 1) Abilities, 2) Knowledge, 3) Skills, and 4) Work Activities. Read more...

Scales Reference

This file contains the Scale information by which the raw values are measured. Read more...

Survey Booklet Locations

This file contains the Content Model elements that have corresponding survey item numbers in the Survey Booklet. Read more...

Competency Frameworks

The downloads labeled “JSON-LD” contain machine-readable Linked Data external site described using the CTDL-ASN external site schema (Credential Transparency Description Language Profile of Achievement Standards Network Description Language) developed by the Credential Engine external site project.

Knowledge Competency Framework

This file contains the hierarchy of Knowledge competencies from the O*NET Content Model.

Includes the framework from the Content Model Reference file and data from the Knowledge file.

Basic Skills Competency Framework

This file contains the hierarchy of Basic Skills competencies from the O*NET Content Model.

Includes the framework from the Content Model Reference file and data from the Skills file.

Cross-Functional Skills Competency Framework

This file contains the hierarchy of Cross-Functional Skills competencies from the O*NET Content Model.

Includes the framework from the Content Model Reference file and data from the Skills file.

Abilities Competency Framework

This file contains the hierarchy of Abilities competencies from the O*NET Content Model.

Includes the framework from the Content Model Reference file and data from the Abilities file.

Technology Skills Competency Framework

This file contains Technology Skills associated with O*NET-SOC occupations, organized by the United Nations Standard Products and Services Code (UNSPSC).

Includes the framework from the UNSPSC Reference file and data from the Technology Skills file.

Work Activities Competency Framework

This file contains the hierarchy of Work Activities competencies, including generalized, intermediate, and detailed work activities. Linked occupation-specific tasks from across occupations are provided as illustrative or “task examples” related to the activities.

Includes the framework from the Content Model Reference, IWA Reference, and DWA Reference files and data from the Work Activities and Tasks to DWAs files.

O*NET Web Services provides real-time, up-to-date access to all of the information in the downloadable O*NET Database. With these services, programmers and researchers can:

  • Programmatically discover every file in the database, and what data each file contains
  • Retrieve all data from any part of the database
  • Filter and sort results based on multiple criteria

The Database Services API always provides the latest version of the O*NET Database (currently 25.1), with no need to worry about downloading and integrating quarterly updates.

To learn more: