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Age and Growth Program Results

47 results match your filter criteria.

Near-Infrared Technology Identifies Fish Species from Otoliths

An innovative use of near-infrared technology could provide essential…
July 06, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Map of North America and surrounding waters with major currents and images of 13 fish species arranged by regional habitat.

Age and Growth Homework: Determining How Old Fish Are

Our scientists use technology and ingenuity to get their work done from…
July 02, 2020 - Feature Story ,
Chris Gburski photo.

Accuracy and Precision of Fish Ages - Northeast

It is important to ensure consistency in fish ages used in fish population…
April 24, 2020 - Data Set ,
 Example graph showing test versus production age, where age pairs that agree lie along the main diagonal.

Brodeur's Guide to Otoliths of Some Northwest Atlantic Fish

This second edition of Brodeur (1979) includes the original drawings of…
February 28, 2020 - Document ,
 Hand-drawn image of a cod earstone.

Age Determination Methods for Northwest Atlantic Species

This manual documents age determination techniques used by staff at the…
February 28, 2020 - Technical Memo ,
 A pair of earstones from a butterfish.

Reference Collections for Age Determination of select Northwest Atlantic Species

The Fishery Biology Program has photographs of our reference collections …
February 28, 2020 - Data Set ,
 Image of an earstone from a haddock, with dots to show the positions of the winter zones.

Precision Templates for Ageing

These templates were designed to automate the calculation of measures of…
February 26, 2020 - Tool/App ,
Example graph showing test versus production age, where age pairs that agree lie along the main diagonal.

Species Collected: Age and Growth Studies in the Northeast

This table lists the species for which we currently collect age samples, along with the structures and preparation methods for each one. Various additional species have been collected in the past, and structures collected historically may be different.

How to Request Samples from the Age-Structure Archive

Guidance for requesting a loan of age structures from the Northeast…
February 19, 2020 - Document ,
A pair of ear stones from a butterfish.

Age and Growth Studies in the Northeast

The Fishery Biology Program in the Northeast conducts age and growth…
Ageing otolith with scope.