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One August day in the mid-1960s, my parents boarded a bus in the village of Hartopul Mare to travel to the capital Chisinau.


Veronica Birgan from Moldova is one of the hundreds of patients addressing the Floresti District Hospital during the past months.

Press Release

The World Bank’s assistance package aims to support the government in implementing important tax related mitigation measures.


Moldova in Figures

In 2016 Moldova registered robust growth, recovery was supported by favorable conditions in agriculture and robust private consumption. Higher wages, lower inflation and higher employment resulted in a decline in poverty rate. Supported by consumption and accommodative fiscal policy, growth is projected to maintain its momentum in the mediumterm. While Moldova is slowly rebuilding its macroeconomic buffers, major policy challenges related to governance— particularly in the financial sector—and efficiency of public spending remain. Read more



Arup Banerji

Regional Country Director for Eastern Europe (Belarus, Moldova and Ukraine)

Anna Akhalkatsi

Country Manager for Moldova

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Chisinau, Moldova
Pushkin Street, 20/1, MD-2012, Chisinau, Republic of Moldova