Illinois Sustainable Technology Center - University of Illinois

About ISTC

The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (ISTC) is a Division of the Institute of Natural Resource Sustainability at the University of Illinois.  ISTC is a change agency that performs research, spreads awareness, and facilitates implementation regarding practices, technology and systems that improve sustainability. The Illinois Sustainable Technology Center (formerly the Waste Management and Research Center) has been providing assistance to Illinois businesses and the public since 1985. Services offered include: sophisticated analytical laboratory support, a library and clearinghouse on environmental and pollution prevention issues, technical assistance, and research funding to explore a wide range of issues impacting waste management in Illinois. ISTC has offices in Champaign, Oak Brook, Peoria, and Brighton.

ISTC's Vision

There are ongoing fundamental shifts in the way business is being conducted, both in Illinois and nationally. It’s happening quickly. It isn’t going to slow down.

One shift is that the cost of the environment must now be a factor in determining the course of any institution, private or public. Environmental impacts and issues must always be a consideration. The environment and the bottom line are not competitors, but are, in fact a great partnership. Recognition of this relationship is the key to success in the coming decades.

Our staff is committed to providing real world solutions to real world problems - solutions that bridge the old gap between the natural resources and the human ones. A spectrum of expertise, years of experience and a personal commitment by our people are the tools we bring to bear on your particular problem. It's not enough to simply react to the world. We have made it our goal to act first.

We take success personally at the Center. When you come to us, you can expect solutions. That’s our business. That’s our guarantee.

Reduce environmental impacts.
Enhance the bottom line.

Great solution.