Returns Filed, Taxes Collected & Refunds Issued


Section 1 of the IRS Data Book provides a broad overview of the main functions performed by the IRS: processing Federal tax returns and collecting revenue. It also provides additional details on returns filed, returns filed electronically, gross collections, and tax refunds by State and type of tax.

Graphic shows the number of returns filed return type for fiscal year 2019. More than 149 million Individual and Estate and Trust, and Business returns were filed electronically.

View chart details XLSX. For additional graphs from this section, download the PDF of this year’s Data Book PDF.

Highlights of the Data

  • The IRS collected more than $3.5 trillion in gross taxes in Fiscal Year (FY) 2019 (Tables 1 XLSX and XLSX (XLSX) XLSX) and issued almost 122 million refunds (Table 7 XLSX), amounting to more than $452 billion (Tables 1 XLSX and XLSX (XLSX) XLSX).
  • The IRS processed more than 253.0 million Federal tax returns and supplemental documents (Tables 2 XLSX and XLSX (XLSX) XLSX) in FY 2019.
  • Nearly 184.6 million returns and other forms were filed electronically. These represented 72.9 percent of all filings, an increase of 1.4 percent over the share of electronic filing in FY 2018. Almost 89.1 percent of individual tax returns were filed electronically (Table 4 XLSX).

Index of Data Book Tables

Returns Filed, Taxes Collected, and Refunds Issued: Tables 1–8

Table 1: Collections and Refunds, by Type of Tax, Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019 XLSX
Table 2: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed, by Type, Fiscal Years 2018 and 2019 XLSX
Table 3: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed, by Type and State, Fiscal Year 2019 XLSX
Table 4: Number of Returns and Other Forms Filed Electronically, by Type and State, Fiscal Year 2019 XLSX
Table 5: Gross Collections, by Type of Tax and State, Fiscal Year 2019 XLSX
Table 6: Gross Collections, by Type of Tax, Fiscal Years 1960–2019 XLSX
Table 7: Number of Refunds Issued, by Type of Refund and State, Fiscal Year 2019 XLSX
Table 8: Amount of Refunds Issued, Including Interest, by Type of Refund and State, Fiscal Year 2019 XLSX

Data for all years

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