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Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Evaluation: Final Report

Release Date: 
August 2018 (312 pages)
Posted Date:   
January 31, 2019

This groundbreaking report evaluates the impact of implementing Small Area Fair Market Rents (SAFMRs) in seven Public Housing Agencies (PHAs) in a variety of geographic and market types. This report examines whether and to what extent the shift from metropolitan-wide Fair Market Rents (FMRs) to ZIP Code-based SAFMRs provides better access to areas of higher opportunity for Housing Choice Voucher (HCV) families. The report also examines how the use of SAFMRs affects HCV families and landlords, as well as the impact of SAFMRS on Housing Assistance Payments (HAP) paid by HUD and the tenant portion of rent paid by SAFMR families. This report also reviews the PHA administrative procedures imposed and costs incurred in implementing SAFMRs.

Peer Reviews of the Small Area FMR Demonstration Evaluation Final Report

Small Area Fair Market Rent Demonstration Evaluation: Interim Report