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Office of Administrative Law Judges
The Office of Administrative Law Judges conducts rulemaking and adjudicatory hearings throughout the United States in proceedings subject to the Administrative Procedure Act. Approximately 50 statutes administered by agencies within the Department of Agriculture require APA hearings. The Judges issue initial decisions and orders in adjudicatory proceedings, approve of consent decisions entered into by parties, and decide appeals of debarments and suspensions.


OALJ Decisions

Hearing Clerk's Office

OALJ posts decisions and orders in four categories.

Initial Decisions

Default Decisions

Miscellaneous Orders & Dismissals

Consent Decisions

OALJ also posts Agriculture Decisions, the official publication of decisions and orders issued in adjudicatory proceedings for the Department under various statutes and regulations.

Agriculture Decisions Publication


The Hearing Clerk's Office is responsible for maintaing and archiving the formal record in cases brought before the Office of Administrative Law Judges (OALJ). The Hearing Clerk's Office serves pleadings, submissions, and decisions and orders upon parties and certifies the formal record of proceedings to federal courts upon appeal.




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