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Appellate Rules Forms

Official Forms: The appellate rules forms are officially published in an Appendix of Forms accompanying the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.

Word-Processing Templates: For user convenience, the Administrative Office Forms Working Group of judges and clerks has recommended making available to the public the unofficial Word versions linked below. Given their nature, language in these forms may require modification before the document can be filed with the court. These forms are therefore offered as templates based on the official published forms.

  • Appellate Form 1. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a Judgment or Order of a District Court. (word)
  • Appellate Form 2. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals From a Decision of the United States Tax Court. (word)
  • Appellate Form 3. Petition for Review of Order of an Agency, Board, Commission or Officer. (word)
  • Appellate Form 4. Affidavit Accompanying Motion for Permission to Appeal In Forma Pauperis. (word)
  • Appellate Form 5. Notice of Appeal to a Court of Appeals from a Judgment or Order of a District Court or a Bankruptcy Appellate Panel. (word)
  • Appellate Form 6. Certificate of Compliance With Type-Volume Limit. (word)
  • Appellate Form 7. Declaration of Inmate Filing. (word)
  • Appendix: Length Limits Stated in the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure. (word)