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  • RL Resto Area - Before

    Rapids Lake Oak Savanna Restoration

    Oak savanna is among the rarest & most threatened ecosystems in the U.S. We’re excited to be restoring this habitat on our RL Unit!

    Learn more

  • America the Beautiful Passes

    Passes for access to all federal public lands are available at Bloomington 9:00 - 4:00, Tuesday-Saturday. Call or visit for details.

  • Monarch Butterflies at a Sanctuary in Mexico

    Winter's Rest

    The monarchs that originated in the Midwest and Eastern U.S. migrate to Mexico. In winter month they can be found on one of 12 mountains.

    Winter Roosts

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS  

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Last Updated: Dec 27, 2016
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