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  • rotator-2014 Interns-heffley

    Looking for an Internship?

    Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge and other refuges in eastern North Carolina offer internship experiences rivaled by no others.

    Learn More about Internships

  • rotator-NWRVC-kowlok

    Gateway to eastern NC Refuges

    The National Wildlife Refuges Visitor Center on Roanoke Island is open daily, year-round, is FREE, and offers the experience of a lifetime!

    National Wildlife Refuges Visitor Center

  • Hunting-vandrutenX150


    The refuge allows gun hunting for deer on the Pungo Unit by special permit only and issues a limited amount of applications.

    Learn More

  • Birder-MillsX150

    Wildlife Observation

    Bear and deer can often be observed along refuge roads or feeding in farm fields in the Pungo Unit.

    Learn More

  • CenterforSounds-millsXrotator

    Walter B Jones Sr Center for the Sounds

    Stop by the Refuge Visitor Center for warm, friendly greetings and current information. Open 9-4, Fri-Sun, April though November.

Take A Virtual Tour

Take a Virtual Tour of Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge


There's nothing like experiencing this refuge in person, but take a sneak peek to give you a hint of what's in store for you here!

Virtual Tour of Pocosin Lakes

About the Complex

North Carolina Coastal Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex

Complex Graphic

Pocosin Lakes and five other refuges make up this diverse complex which spans from the barrier islands in the coast to the hardwood swamps of the Roanoke River.

Pocosin Lakes is managed as part of the North Carolina Coastal Plain National Wildlife Refuge Complex.

Learn more about the complex 

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS  

Follow NWRS Online


Headlines! Read all about it!

  • Ground Truthing....

    Ground Truthing

    Come here often to learn the facts about Refuge Projects and activities. If you don't find answers here for your questions or concerns, please email us (, so we may prepare the information both for you and to post here for easy access to all! Most recent questions have focused on our Resource Management, particularly our Hydrology Restoration work. Please take some time to read about the work we're doing. And, we've created a set of pages called "Ground Truthing...." to transparently address questions and concerns. You can help us by letting us know your questions or concerns.

    Ground Truthing....
  • What's in the News??


    Keep up with current news releases for NC National Wildlife Refuges!

    What's in the News??
  • Black Bear


    Pocosin Lakes National Wildlife Refuge has what is believed to be one of the largest concentrations of black bear found in the southeastern United States. Limiting factors on black bear on the refuge have been identified as the amount of blackgum mast, habitat disturbance, and availability of escape cover. (photo courtesy of Beryl Ivens)

    Learn More
  • We manage habitat!


    Many young people think Wildlife Biologists handle baby animals all day. On the contrary, our claim to fame is we manage DIRT! Often, the closest we get to wildlife is seeing tracks or scat they leave behind... or feathers!

    Resource Management
Last Updated: Aug 16, 2016
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