Coronavirus (COVID-19) Notice
Although most refuge lands and outdoor spaces have remained open for the public to enjoy, we encourage you to:

  • Check local conditions on this website and call ahead for current information
  • Follow current CDC safe practices by maintaining a safe distance between yourself and other groups
  • Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds
  • Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth
  • Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze
  • Most importantly, stay home if you feel sick


  • Loakfoma Creek-s

    Plan Your Visit

    Check out this page to find out more information on visiting Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge

    Go to page...

  • OktocCreekCypress_266x150

    Take a hike!

    Explore Noxubee's hiking trails and boardwalks and keep an eye out for wildlife!

    Trail and Boardwalk Info

  • Deer Hunter (sm)

    Passes and Permits

    Noxubee Annual Entrance Pass, Deer Permits and Waterfowl Permits. Current Federal Duck Stamp also serves as an entrance pass.


Refuge News

Current Conditions

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Due to the CoronaVirus Health Emergency the Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee NWR Visitor Center is CLOSED until further Notice.


Pokemon Go!

Pokemon Go!

Attention Visitors: Pokemon captured on Noxubee NWR do not require a possession tag. However Noxubee Entrance Passes are still required and all other refuge regulations to include closed times and closed areas must be followed. Refuge regulations can be obtained online, at refuge kiosks or at the visitors center. Please be aware of where/what you are walking into. Please share this with your friends. Happy hunting.

Pokemon Go!

Recreational Fee Program - Now in Effect

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Since the 1940's, recreational fees have been part of the refuge's strategy for providing quality public uses on the refuge. Hunters are already accustomed to supporting the refuge through the purchase of hunting permits. Of the nearly 200,000 visits to the refuge each year, about 70% of those visits are not associated with hunting or fishing. Participating in the refuge's recreational fee program by purchasing an entrance pass allows all visitors to contribute to the support of the refuge and its parking areas, paved roads, restrooms, signs, hiking trails, boardwalks, visitor center, and other visitor amenities.

More Information
Natural Inspiration

Let nature be your muse

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Do you get inspired by the wonders of nature? Are you an artist, writer, composer, or performing artist who is interested in conservation? Learn about our Artist-in-Residence program and find out how to apply today!

Click here for more info!

Friends of Noxubee Refuge

Meet our friends!

The Friends of Noxubee have been helping with our refuge since 2003. They are dedicated to conserving our natural resources through volunteer work and fund raising.

How to get involved!

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America's fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS