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  • x-country ski 218x116

    Ski and Snowshoe at the Refuge!

    Grab your skis and snowshoes and explore the auto tour road and trails!

    Trail Map

  • Mallard in flight 218x116

    Hunting on the Refuge

    Hunting season has begun! Blind locations with GPS at bottom of hunting page.

    Hunting Information

  • Black-chinned Hummingbird

    All About Birds

    Learn about some of the birds that make Kootenai NWR their home!

    Learn More

Featured Items

Story Trail

Story Trail 60x100

Story trail on Myrtle Falls trail. Funded by WREN, The Laura Moore Cunningham Foundation, Inc., USFWS, and Bonners Books. Share a nature story with your children as you hike up to the waterfall. Story will change throughout the year.

About the Complex

Inland Northwest NWR Complex

From the channeled scablands, to the mixed-conifer forests, and diverse wetlands three uniquely different refuges comprise the Inland Northwest Refuge Complex.

Kootenai is managed as part of the Inland Northwest NWR Complex.

Learn more about the complex 

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

Learn more about the NWRS  

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Page Photo Credits — Cinnamon Teal drake in flight. -©Stan Bousson, Western Meadowlark singing. -©Stan Bousson, Black-chinned Hummingbird. © Stan Bousson, Elk in winter. -© Steve Jamsa, Cross country skiing. © Dorey Rowland
Last Updated: Dec 19, 2016
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