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  • Great Basin map

    Great Basin map

    Fallon NWR lies in the Great Basin of Nevada, which covers five states.

    Great Basin range map

  • Fallon refuge dunescape

    Fallon NWR Dunes

    The ever-present desert winds keep these dunes on the move, changing the landscape often.

    Fallon NWR dune-scape

  • fallon seasonal wet

    Fallon NWR Takes a Bath

    Infrequent rains change the landscape, attracting a variety of wildlife.

    desert downpour and ducks

  • k-rat1

    Desert Kangaroo rat

    Kangaroo rats are well-adapted for extreme living at Fallon NWR.

    Kangaroo rat closeup

About the NWRS

National Wildlife Refuge System


The National Wildlife Refuge System, within the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, manages a national network of lands and waters set aside to conserve America’s fish, wildlife, and plants.

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Page Photo Credits — All photos courtesy of USFWS unless otherwise noted.
Last Updated: Dec 27, 2013
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