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Information iconAmerican white pelicans at Chase Lake National Wildlife Refuge in North Dakota. (Photo: Rick Bohn)

From bald eagles to spoonbills, from condors to puffins, birds abound on national wildlife refuges. Refuges provide places for birds to nest, rest, feed and breed. Refuges conserve bird habitat and help bird species survive. No wonder refuges are some of America’s birdiest places.



Go Birding

Bird Spotting at National Wildlife Refuges
What birds are being seen at a refuge near you? Find out in seconds here. This refuge birding feedback tool is provided through eBird, a crowd-sourced citizen science site managed by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology.

ebird usfws

Become a Birder

albatross Midway NWR photo by Ian Shive/usfws
(Photo: Ian Shive/USFWS)

Helping Birds Survive

Some bird species like the Laysan albatross above owe their existence to conservation efforts by national wildlife refuges and their partners: Refuges to the Rescue

Put Your Stamp on Bird Conservation
Buying a Federal Duck Stamp is one of the easiest ways you can support the conservation of bird habitat. Duck Stamp revenue is used to acquire and protect wetlands where birds feed and nest. The Duck Stamp you buy helps ensure your children will have the opportunity to see the migrating duck, geese and shorebird species you enjoy today.

Winged Marvels

Why do birds excite such wonder? These colorful photo stories show you some of the reasons.

“Splendor in the Sky”
“Flight of Fancy, 12 Amazing Birds”
“A Chorus of Color: Amazing Birds on Public Lands”


Information iconA northern harrier dives for prey at Seedskdade National Wildlife Refuge in Wyoming. (Photo: Tom Koerner/USFWS)