
Laboratory test tubes. Photo by Paul Quinlan
A list of journals covering topics relevant to water and agriculture. Journals held at NAL are indicated with a call number. Electronic access to articles for USDA employees and onsite users is available through DigiTop (Digital Desktop) when indicated. Additional information on obtaining journal articles from NAL is available from NAL Services.

Jump to titles starting with:

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Journal Title: A DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Advances in Agronomy Available 30 Ad9 


Advances in Water Resources Available TD201.A4 


Agricultural Water Management Available S494.5.W3A3 


Agriculture, Ecosystems, and Environment Available S601.A34 


Agronomy Journal Available 4 AM34P 


AMBIO Available QH540.A52 


American Journal of Agricultural Economics [1968-1999] Available 280.8 J822 


American Journal of Alternative Agriculture Available S605.5.A43 


Applied Engineering in Agriculture Available S671.A66 


Applied Soil Ecology Available QH541.5.S6A67 


Aqua: Journal of Water Supply Research & Technology Available TD201.A72 


Aquacultural Engineering Available SH1.A66 


Aquaculture (Includes Annual Review of Fish Diseases) Available SH1.A6 


Aquaculture International Available SH1.A627 


Aquatic Botany Available QK102.A65 


Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems Available QH541.5 W3A67 


Aquatic Ecology Available QH90 A1 H9 


Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management (limited online availability) Available QH541.5 W3A682 


Aquatic Geochemistry Available
Aquatic Living Resources Available SH1.A8 


Aquatic Sciences Available
Aquatic Toxicology Available QH541.5 W3A6 


Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Available TD172.A7 


Journal Title: B DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology Available RA1270.P35A1 


Journal Title: C DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Chemosphere Available TD172.C54 


Coastal Engineering Available
Coastal Management Available HT392.C63 


Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology Available QH545.A1C7 


Journal Title: D DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans Available
Journal Title: E DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Ecosystems Available QH540.E3645 


Ecotoxicology Available
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety Available QH545.A1E29 


Environment Systems and Decisions Available S900.E53 


Environmental Management Available HC79.E5E5 


Environmental Modeling and Assessment Available GE1.E545
Environmental Modelling and Software Available
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Available TD194.E5 


Environmental Pollution Available TD172.E52 & 

QH545 A1E52


Environmental Science and Policy Available GE170.E58 


Environmental Science & Technology Available TD420.A1E5 


Environmental Software (continued as Environmental Modelling and Software) Available
Environmental Toxicology Available RA1221.T69 


Environmentalist, The (continued as Environment Systems and Decisions) Available S900.E53 


European Journal of Agronomy Available SB13.E97 


Journal Title: G DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Ground Water Available TD403.G7 


Ground Water Monitoring & Remediation Available GB1001.G76 


Journal Title: H DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Hydrological Processes Available GB651.H93 


Journal Title: I DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Irrigation and Drainage Available
Irrigation and Drainage Systems Available TC801.I66 


Irrigation Science Available S612.I756 


Journal Title: J DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Journal of Agricultural Science, The Available 10 J822 


Journal - American Water Works Association Not available 292.9 AM32J 


Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery Available QH541.5.W3 J68 


Journal of Contaminant Hydrology Available TD426.J68 


Journal of Environmental Economics and Management Available HC79.P55J6 


Journal of Environmental Engineering Not available 290.9 Am3Ps (EE) 


Journal of Environmental Management Available HC75.E5J6 


Journal of Environmental Quality Available QH540.J6 


Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A--Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering Available TD172.J6


Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part B--Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes Available TD172.J61 (1976-present)
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Available QH91.A1J6 


Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres Available 470 J823(D) 


Journal of Great Lakes Research Available GB1627.G8J6 


Journal of Hydraulic Engineering Not available 290.9 Am3PS (Hy) 


Journal of Hydraulic Research Available GB651.J68 


Journal of Hydrology Available 292.8 J82 


Journal of Hydrometeorology Available
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Not available 290.9 AM3Ps (IR) 


Journal of Soil and Water Conservation Available 56.8 J822 


Journal of the American Water Resources Association Available 292.9 Am34 


Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health--Part A Available RA565.A1J6 


Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health--Part B: Critical Reviews Available
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management Not available TC401.A45 


Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal, and Ocean Engineering Not available 290.9 Am3Ps(WW) 


Journal Title: M DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Marine Environmental Research Available QH545.W3M36 


Marine Pollution Bulletin Available GC1000.M3 


Journal Title: N DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Nature Available 472.N21 


Nordic Hydrology (now, Hydrology Research) Available GB651.N6 


Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems Available S631.F422 


Journal Title: O DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Ocean & Coastal Management Available GC1000.O3 


Ocean Engineering Available
Ocean Modelling Available
Oceanologica Acta (ceased publishing in 2003) Available
Journal Title: P DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Part B: Hydrology, Oceans and Atmosphere (as of 2002 incorporates Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A, B and C) Available QE500.P5 


Poultry Science Available 47.8 Am33P 


Precision Agriculture Available S494.5 P73P743 


Journal Title: R DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Rangeland Ecology and Management Available 60.18 J82 


Regulated Rivers: Research & Management (see also River Research and Applications below) Available TC530.R43 


Resources, Conservation, and Recycling Available TP156.R38R47 


River Research and Applications (see also Regulated Rivers above) Available TC530.R43 


Journal Title: S DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Science of the Total Environment Available RA565.S365 


Society of Wetland Scientists Bulletin Available QH87.3 B84 


Soil and Tillage Research Available S590.S48 


Soil Science Society of America Journal Available 56.9 So3 


Swedish Journal of Agricultural Research Not available S3.S8 


Journal Title: T DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Transactions of the ASAE Available 290.9 Am32T 


Journal Title: U DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Urban Water (ceased publishing in 2002) Available
Journal Title: W DigiTop (USDA and onsite access) NAL Call Number
Water, Air, and Soil Pollution Available TD172.W36 


Water Environment Research Available TD419.R47 


Waterlines Not available TC527.W3 


Water Policy (Became International Water Association, 2003) Not available
Water Quality and Ecosystem Modeling Available
Water Research Available TD420.W3 


Water Resources Available GB746.W33 


Water Resources Management Available TC401.W27 


Water Resources Research Available 292.8 W295 


Water Science and Technology Available TD420.A1P7 


Water Supply and Management Not available TD201.A74 


Wetlands Available QH75 A1W47 


Wetlands Ecology and Management Available QH541.5.M3W472 
