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On Tap

Download the Latest Issue:
Fall/Winter 2013

(Entire Issue - PDF - 2.7 MG)
Download Features:

< Q&A Why is Stormwater an Issue?

< Reducing Water Use in the United States

<Drinking Water Infrastructure Needs $384 Billion

< A Better Way to Get the Right User Rates

< Quiet Warriors and Silent Sentinals

Articles and Publications

For nearly 30 years, the National Environmental Services Center (NESC) published several newsletters and magazines, including On Tap, E-Train, Pipeline, and the Small Flows Quarterly. Eventually, these publications reached more than 100,000 subscribers. In 2009, as a result of budget cuts, NESC began publishing them in online versions only.

Beginning in 2014, we will continue this evolution by presenting individual articles as we develop them. Because we will no longer have to wait for multiple articles to wend their way through creation, review, revision, and layout, we can get the information to you more quickly. Rest assured that all the articles and publications you’ve enjoyed in the past are still available on this site.

If you are looking for more information about a particular water-related topic, we encourage you to use the Google site feature below, which searches the information on the NESC website. After 35 years, chances are we’ve covered it!

On Tap Online Articles

2016 Articles

NewKindofSF A New Kind of Small Flows?

What's a Private Well Owner to Do?
Eight Tips for Maintaining Your Well


2015 Articles


Energy Effficiency--Even Small Systems Can See BIG Savings



Septic Unsafe

Disposable Wipes
Cause Woes for Onsite Wastewater Systems




Perseverance Pays Off

Fulton, Alabama, Implements Alternative Wastewater Systems


Reynolds, Georgia Gets Clean Water Upgrade

New Wastewater System Postitions Town
for the Future


2014 Articles


How Much Do You Use?
The Story of Water

3RQ Intro

3RQ Science at the Grass Roots Level: West Virginia Water Research Institute Expands Ohio River Basin Water Monitoring Program


Are You Prepared to Handle Labor Shortages in Your Water Utilities?


Bacteria and Private Wells:
Information Every Private Well Owner Should Know

On Tap Magazine

2007 Issues

  • Fall: Controlling Cross Connections and Preventing Backflow
  • Summer: What's a Private Well Owner to do? Eight Tips for Maintaining Your Well
  • Spring: Working Together: Factors Leading to Water System Mergers
  • Winter: The Future Starts Now: Setting Rates Helps Systems Today and Tomorrow
  • On Tap Archives

  • 2006 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2005 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2004 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2003 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2002 - Fall | Summer | Spring | Winter
  • 2001 - Fall | Summer | Spring

  • Do you have great ideas?
    We are always eager to hear of new story ideas. If you have an article idea contact the On Tap editor, Mark Kemp-Rye at mkemp@mail.wvu.edu

    National Environmental Services Center
    PO Box 6893, West Virginia University
    Morgantown, WV 26506-6893