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Support Safe Kids Kansas

Welcome to Safe Kids

Safe Kids Kansas Inc., is a Coalition of over 70 statewide and regional organizations and businesses dedicated to preventing unintentional injuries to Kansas children ages 0-14. Unfortunately, preventable injury remains the leading killer of Kansas children ages 1-14, taking more lives than any other cause including diseases, homicide and suicide. This year, one child in four will suffer a preventable injury that is serious enough to require medical attention. Safe Kids Kansas is a 501c(3) charitable organization and is a member of Safe Kids Worldwide. The designated lead agency for Safe Kids Kansas is the Kansas Department of Health and Environment.

Safe Kids Kansas is grateful for the support of our
20th anniversary event sponsors

AM 580 WIBW   94 Country

Platinum Sponsor: WIBW Radio

Stormont-Vail Trauma Care

Silver Sponsor: Stormont-Vail Trauma Care

Bronze Sponsor:
AAA Kansas
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas
Huggable Images
Johnson & Johnson
Kansas Action for Children
Kansas Emergency Nurses Association
The Reflectory

Advocate: National Bank of Kansas City


Safe Kids Kansas on Facebook

Support the "We Believe" Campaign

Join Safe Kids We Believe Campaign We believe that all kids deserve to grow up safe, healthy and injury free. If you believe in a world without preventable injuries, click the campaign picture to learn more or join Safe Kids USA's "We Believe" campaign.


Safety in Childcare

Safety in Childcare

Click here for information about safety in childcare.

Child Car Seats

Are you interested in becoming a Car Seat Technician?

Click here to find out how.

Looking for a car seat inspection or distribution program in Kansas?  Visit for a list of resources near you.

Woman bucling up her baby in a booster seat

Product Safety Recalls

Your Online Resources for Recalls

To check for product safety recalls please visit your online resource for recalls.

What Can You Do?

What’s Going On?

  • Safe Kids Kansas Strategic Plan 2009-2011: The three-year strategic plan for Safe Kids Kansas was developed during retreats held in 2008 for the full coalition membership, local affiliates and board/staff.  It highlights eleven goals set for Safe Kids Kansas and discusses unintentional childhood injury risk areas. 
  • Progress Report: The progress report documents the decrease in unintentional injuries in Kansas children over the past ten years in each of the leading injury risk areas, and provides guidance on future prevention efforts.
  • Annual Report: A summary of activities and programs
    - 2010