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why we are fighting for healthy families


About half a million babies are born premature or with birth defects in the U.S. each year.


Without ACA protection, maternal care would be unaffordable for most families.


Vital services for moms and babies, especially babies born sick or too soon, are at risk.

let's build a brighter future

Help Protect Moms and Babies from COVID-19

Through the Mom and Baby COVID-19 Intervention and Support Fund, March of Dimes is addressing the urgent need for research, advocacy and education to protect moms, babies and families from COVID-19.

Learn More

corporate partner spotlight

NUK, the baby advocates, with over 60 years of experience, is committed to providing parents peace of mind. In doing so, they have launched the 3AM Club – a first-of-its-kind hub for support, that includes tools and advice to empower families.

Learn more


Sign up for our action network and join thousands of advocates across the U.S. to tell your lawmakers that every mom and child deserves the best possible start. Send a message today to let them know it matters.

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March of Dimes report card

Check out your state's grade and how it compares across the country.

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Get live advice

BabyLiveAdvice lets you tap into a virtual network of nurses, midwives, lactation consultants, nutritionists and health professionals for support when you need it most.

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in your community

Enter your ZIP code to find activities and events near you.

March for
babies app

March for Babies app

March for
babies app

  • Fundraise on the go
  • Reach out to donors
  • Share your progress
iOS download Android download
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