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College Fed Challenge

The College Fed Challenge is a team competition for undergraduate college students inspired by the working of the Federal Open Market Committee. It is intended to encourage students to learn more about the U.S. macro economy, the Federal Reserve System and the implementation of monetary policy and financial stability. It is also aimed at spurring interest in economics and finance as subjects for advanced study and as the basis for a career.

Read about the College Fed Challenge experience »

The competition is administered in partnership with the Eastern Economic Association (EEA). Visit the EEA website for details:
College Fed Challenge offsite

2011 Competition Results »


Student orientation
October 10, 2012; Schimmel Theatre, Pace University

First round
November 2, 2012; Pace University
The New York Fed would like to thank Pace University for hosting and providing facilities for the College Fed Challenge orientation and preliminary competition events.

Semi-final and final round, Second District
November 14, 2012; Federal Reserve Bank of New York

National finals
November 27, 2012; Federal Reserve Board of Governors, Washington, D.C.

If you have questions about this program, contact:
Alex Olbrecht at EEA@ramapo.edu
Adrian Franco at adrian.franco@ny.frb.org