Cyber Security in Delaware

CyberStart America 2021

Banner of Multi-ethnicity cartoon girls

CyberStart America is a fun and interactive series of challenges that offer the chance to explore exciting topics such as cryptography, penetration testing and digital forensics.

Program Details

CyberStart America is a free national program for high school students to master cybersecurity as a gateway to the industry, up their digital skills, and compete for college scholarships!

Program Eligibility

To be eligible to participate, students must:

  • Be at least 13 years old
  • Be enrolled in 9th, 10th, 11th or 12th grade at a public or private school (or the homeschool equivalent).

Eligibility checks will be conducted throughout the process to ensure licenses, scholarships, and prizes are awarded to eligible students.

Everyone who signs up to CyberStart America can compete against all players for career-enabling college scholarships, but will also have the option to join one or more specialist CyberStart communities

Communities offer additional support and community-specific awards within the overall scholarship competition, and can give like-minded students the chance to share their CyberStart experience and help each other out.

Become a CyberStart America Advisor?

High school teachers can help find the next cybersecurity superstars by becoming Advisors and running a CyberStart America Club in their school. No previous cybersecurity knowledge or experience is required to join - just an enthusiasm to inspire your students to up their digital skills.

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