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DCMP News & Announcements

  • A woman rides a child's tricycle while her dog rides on her back.

    It's a Dog's Day

    The Palo Alto Humane Society tells the story of a compassionate and caring community that rides to the rescue of a sad and lonely dog.

    It's a Dog's Day
  • A man gestures to the words Sign with Robert.

    Sign with Robert: Babies and Children

    Sign With Robert: Babies And Children introduces a new comprehensive educational sign language and deaf culture series. Topics covered in this episode include: "Teaching Babies And Baby Signs"; "Animals"; and "Color, Shapes, And Sizes."

  • The Magic School Bus. Animated yellow school bus rockets through space above the Moon's surface, with teacher and students inside.

    Ride on the Magic School Bus!

    Seat belts, everyone! DCMP has The Magic School Bus series! Check out all 51 described and captioned episodes here, and then set up student accounts for your kids to encourage independent learning.

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