Project Financing

These laws and requirements are related to project funding sustainability goals. 

DOD-Specific Authorities
Title  Legal Authority  Originating Legislation  Summary 
Contracts for Energy or Fuel for Military Installations

Separate U.S. Department of Defense authority to enter into contracts for up to 30 years for services that provide and operate energy production facilities on military installations, and, in turn, purchase the energy generated from such facilities.

DOD Energy Savings Contracts and Activities

Military departments and defense agencies may participate in gas or electric utility programs for managing energy demand or for energy conservation.

General Authorities
Title  Legal Authority  Originating Legislation  Summary 
Contract for Public Utility Services

Authority for agencies to enter contracts for public utility services for periods up to 10 years.

Energy Savings Performance Contract Authority

Federal agencies may enter into an energy saving performance contract (ESPC) for a period of up to 25 years for the purpose of achieving energy savings and benefits ancillary to that purposes.

Federal Energy-Efficiency Fund

The U.S. Department of Energy DOE may provide grants to agencies to assist them in meeting the requirements of 42 U.S.C. § 8253.

Implement Performance Contracts for Federal Buildings

Implement performance contracts for Federal buildings by using performance contracting as a tool to help meet identified energy efficiency and management goals and providing annual agency targets for performance contracting for energy savings to be implemented in fiscal year 2017.

Utility Incentive Programs

Authority for agencies to accept financial incentives, goods, or services generally available from a utility to increase energy efficiency or to conserve water or manage electricity demand.

Presidential Memorandum
Title  Legal Authority  Originating Legislation  Summary 
Presidential Memorandum: Implementation of Energy Savings Projects and Performance-Based Contracting for Energy Savings

The December 2011 Presidential Memorandum: Implementation of Energy Savings Projects and Performance-Based Contracting for Energy Savings, which was issued to the heads of executive departments and agencies, committed the Federal government to enter into a combined $2 billion in energy savings performance contracts and utility energy savings contracts by the end of 2013. This goal was extended by the Presidential Climate Action Plan, which extends the goal through 2015 and raises the commitment to $4 billion.