U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Templates & Forms

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This audience brainstorming and categorization worksheet assists programs in determining their target audiences and which audiences to prioritize.

Author: Austin Energy
Publication Date: 2009

This one page form is used by Austin Energy to document Home Performance With Energy Star analysis results.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Better Building Residential Program Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating a successful residential energy efficiency program. The template includes sections for all six program components (i.e., Market Position & Business Model, Program Design & Customer Experience, Evaluation & Data Collection, Marketing & Outreach, Financing, and Contractor Engagement & Workforce Development).

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Better Building Residential Program Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating a successful residential energy efficiency program. The template includes sections for all six program components (i.e., Market Position & Business Model, Program Design & Customer Experience, Evaluation & Data Collection, Marketing & Outreach, Financing, and Contractor Engagement & Workforce Development).

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Contractor Engagement & Workforce Development Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your workforce activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Evaluation & Data Collection Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your data collection and evaluation activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Financing Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your financing activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Market Position & Business Model Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your business planning activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Marketing & Outreach Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your marketing and outreach activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

The Program Design & Customer Experience Implementation Plan Template will help you develop a strategy for planning, operating, and evaluating your program design activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy

A one-page template that helps program administrators visualize activities and associated timelines for their marketing efforts.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Worksheet for program administrators to map out their programs' business model framework.

Author: Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit)
Publication Date: 2011

This template, used by Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit), standardizes a number of forms that contractors fill out for the program.

Author: Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2011

This template, used by Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge, standardizes volunteer data collection efforts at events.

Author: Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2011

Short survey for Connecticut's Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge workshop participants. The workshop allowed the program to share its energy efficiency offerings with homeowners.

Author: Colorado Public Utilities Commission
Publication Date: 2012

Form used by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for consent to disclose utility customer data.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

One-page template to use when developing a partnership agreement between an energy efficiency upgrade program and another organization.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy

This worksheet can help you organize your ideas and methods for creating an effective evaluation plan.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This worksheet can help key program and marketing staff collaborate to develop a brand platform.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

A template competitive procurement procedure to award loan loss reserve funds to a financial institution partner.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

A template agreement demonstrating how to address the deposit and use of loan loss reserve funds.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

A template agreement that addresses the full energy efficiency or renewable energy loan origination cycle.

Author: Efficiency Maine
Publication Date: 2013

Efficiency Maine developed this online portal, where many of its program forms are available for download (e.g., program overviews and manuals, participation agreements, and related application materials).

Author: Efficiency Maine
Publication Date: 2014

A short, checklist-style form that contractors complete to participate in Efficiency Maine. The form allows contractors to verify whether they meet basic program requirements, identify their specialized service offerings and qualifications, and describe other information about their businesses.

Author: Energy Impact Illinois
Publication Date: 2014

This packet contains all the contractor reporting and verification forms required by Energy Impact Illinois.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Publication Date: 2014

This tool from Home Performance with ENERGY STAR provides a template to develop an implementation plan for your program.

Author: Energy Upgrade California
Publication Date: 2011

Survey form used by Energy Upgrade California to assess open house tour attendee interest in obtaining further information about upgrade opportunities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample phone survey template for program contractors.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample phone survey template for program drop-outs.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample phone survey for applicants who have been screened out from participating in the program.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample email survey template for successful program participants.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Template for program administrators to fill out to help determine the goals and design of financing activities.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

An Excel-based example of a financing program model.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This simple paper-based dashboard template is a useful tool for developing internal and external reports for communicating on a regular basis key program activities and accomplishments.

Author: Green Madison; Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Survey for consultants participating in Green Madison and Me2 programs about their experiences with the programs.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy

This instructional template offers instructions on how to write a press release.

Author: Energy Upgrade California
Publication Date: 2011

Example loan loss reserve fund agreement.

Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

Sample script Los Angeles County used to survey homeowners about energy issues.

Publication Date: 2011

This matrix includes specific questions for applicants, participants, and program drop outs related to topics such as awareness, barriers, contractor interactions, paperwork, and finances.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Survey for people who signed up to participate in the Me2 program for home performance assessments, but ultimately decided not to participate. The goal of the survey is to help improve services for future participants.

Author: Me2
Publication Date: 2011

Participant survey sent to Me2 customers that have completed at least the initial Energy Advocate visit.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This worksheet can help programs develop a value proposition statement for each audience and a message map to expand on those propositions.

Author: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date: 2014

The Model EM&V Methods Standardized Reporting Forms were prepared by the Regional Evaluation, Measurement and Verification Forum (‘the Forum’).  The Forum embarked to create a model template that supports greater transparency of program administrator/state EM&V practices used to calculate EE savings via a straightforward, standardized EM&V methods ‘check list.’  This type of document is intended to help energy and environmental policy and market players readily understand and compare EM&V approaches used to estimate reported EE program savings to inform their specific needs. 

Author: Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships, Inc.
Publication Date: 2012

The ultimate objective of the protocol is to develop a system that can be used to guide the production of readily usable dataset that can leverage project data from future meter-based measurement and evaluation studies, or metering studies to develop end-use load shapes. The protocol includes a "NEEP Residential Data Collection Protocol Report" template.

Author: Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Publication Date: 2012

Homeowner survey created by the utility to inform their whole home upgrade program.

Author: Research Into Action, Inc.; NMR Group Inc.
Publication Date: 2012

This report presents the preliminary process and market evaluation of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program. As part of the evaluation, the report identifies the factors most strongly correlated with the 10 most successful grantees' performance and offers recommendations to the Energy Department and grant recipients for the final program year.

Author: Energy Efficiency Finance Corporation
Publication Date: 2014

Provides a sample or preliminary term sheet for single family residential energy efficiency loans that can provide a basis for discussions and negotiations with prospective lending partners.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This document provides a menu of initial questions for a program administrator or implementer to build on and use in developing a real-time evaluation survey to collect qualitative data from contractors.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

This document provides a menu of initial questions for a program administrator or implementer to build on and use in developing a real-time evaluation survey to collect qualitative data from program participants.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy

Example proposal evaluation scoring sheet to rank qualifications of financial institution bidders for energy efficiency upgrade loan programs.

Author: RePower Program
Publication Date: 2013

This is an application form for contractors (trade allies) interested in participating in the RePower Program of Kitsap County, Washington. The form describes the benefits and requirements for participating contractors, and allows contractors to identify the specific services they offer.

Author: Appraisal Institute
Publication Date: 2013

Form for appraisers intended to help analyze values of energy efficient home features.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample business plan framework for a program seeking to build private sector capacity then phase out and stop operating.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample business plan framework for a program that establishes itself as a government entity, then operates using a fee-based structure.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample business plan framework for a program seeking to operate as a marketing contractor to a utility.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2011

Sample business plan framework for a program seeking to operate as a not-for-profit entity.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy

A sample for defining and elaborating on the specifics of a clean energy loan program.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

Template from the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program for collecting customer usage data from utilities.