U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy U.S. Department of Energy Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy

Program Presentations & Reports

Author: Efficiency Maine
Publication Date: 2013

Year in review annual report which includes program data and success stories.

Author: The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Publication Date: 2014

This report details findings from the evaluation of the Colorado energy efficiency financing program.

Author: Tessa Shin, AFC First Financial Corporation
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing AFC First's (a lender's) aggressive underwriting and smart product delivery as part of the Keystone HELP program.

Author: Jeff Pitkin, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing NYSERDA's alternative underwriting approach for its target market.

Author: Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publication Date: 2010

This market assessment for the Alabama Energy Revolving Loan Fund identifies the customers and potential demand for an energy efficiency upgrade financing program.

Author: Jill Maness, Austin Energy
Publication Date: 2011

An introduction to Austin Energy's workforce development program, which helps engage contractors in efforts to make homes more energy efficient.

Author: Clean Energy Solutions, Inc.
Publication Date: 2010

Presentation describing sustainable revenue sources for local energy alliances.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This handout summarizes the key lessons learned regarding financing contained in the Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This handout summarizes the key lessons learned regarding marketing and outreach contained in the Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

This handout summarizes the key lessons learned regarding program design contained in the Better Buildings Residential Program Solution Center.

Author: BetterBuildings for Michigan
Publication Date: 2011

This report summarizes the results of five neighborhood sweeps, covering more than 2,000 households in Michigan.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 1 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report provides findings from a comprehensive impact, process, and market effects evaluation of the program period, spanning from September 2010 through August 2013.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 2 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report comprises a measurement and verification process, as well as billing regression analysis on projects with sufficient utility bill data, to determine gross verified savings.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 3 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report statistically identifies factors associated with successful residential energy upgrade programs using a survey sampling, cluster analysis, and multivariate regression approach.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 4 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report assesses the degree to which the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program met its process goals and objectives to identify the most effective program design and implementation approaches.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 5 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report provides findings from a comprehensive impact, process, and market effects evaluation of the program period, spanning from September 2010 through August 2013.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2015

Volume 6 of the Better Buildings Neighborhood Program Evaluation Report provides findings from a comprehensive impact, process, and market effects evaluation of the program period, spanning from September 2010 through August 2013. This volume includes case studies that describe successful strategies that programs used during the evaluation period.

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report presents the impact evaluation conducted of the 13 programs in the Southeast Consortium Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP).

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report presents the phase 1 process evaluation conducted of the 13 programs in the Southeast Consortium Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP).

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report presents the phase 2 process evaluation conducted of the 13 programs in the Southeast Consortium Better Buildings Neighborhood Program (BBNP).

Author: Local Energy Alliance Program
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation explains the pro forma spreadsheet used by Virginia's Local Energy Alliance Program to evaluate program impact.

Author: Christie Rodriguez, Sacramento Municipal Utility District
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes Sacramento Utility District's program and Marketing & Outreach lessons learned.

Author: Adrianna Masuko, City of San Jose, California
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing San Jose Better Building program and tactics, including strategic partnerships, for reaching moderate income residents.

Author: Maryland Clean Energy Center
Publication Date: 2014

During the 2014 legislative session, the Maryland General Assembly passed Senate Bill 985 (Chapter 365 of the 2014 Laws of Maryland) entitled “Maryland Clean Energy Center—Green Banks & Clean Bank Financing Study,” which directed MCEC to study the feasibility of developing a green bank for the State of Maryland. This study focuses primarily on the role of green banks in financing renewable energy and energy efficiency and on the potential need for a green bank in Maryland.

Author: EnergySmart
Publication Date: 2011

This market assessment for the Boulder County EnergySmart and City and County of Denver energy efficiency loan program identifies the potential loan customers and demand for an energy efficiency upgrade financing program.

Author: Amy Beley, Build It Green
Publication Date: 2014

This presentation discusses Build It Green's new model for contractor engagement that provides more support to higher performing contractors and strategies the organization is using to address issues with contractor data reporting and tracking.

Author: Steve Morgan, Clean Energy Solutions, Inc.
Publication Date: 2010

Courtesy of Clean Energy Solutions. This presentation provides an overview of topics related to building the workforce for energy efficiency programs, including market characterization, stakeholder engagement, training and certification, and community workforce agreements. It includes information on the experience of Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit) in Portland, Oregon.

Author: California Public Utilities Commission
Publication Date: 2012

This report focuses on four utilities in California. The research for this report included reviewing program documents and tracking databases, conducting two rounds of interviews with four investor owned utility program managers, interviewing California Public Utility Commission staff members and an intervener, surveying 76 on-bill financing program participants and 29 vendors who helped deliver the program, interviewing 12 account executives, and conducting six focus groups across California with 46 energy audit participants who had not participated in on-bill financing.

Author: Harcourt Brown & Carey
Publication Date: 2013

This report proposes a set of data elements that should be collected for each residential and non-residential project, including borrower, property, project, and financing information at the time of the installation.  The data set also includes post-installation information on the performance of both the financing and the project.  These data elements were selected based on an assessment of various data “users” (financial institutions, policy makers, vendors, program administrators, etc.) and their “uses” for the data (what questions would the users want the data to answer). The report also sets out the sources of the data and a methodology for collecting, managing and providing access to the data, and addresses privacy issues and the use of data anonymization and aggregation.

Author: Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publication Date: 2010

This market assessment for CharlestonSAVES identifies the customers and potential demand for an energy efficiency upgrade financing program.

Author: Booz and Company
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation provides the results of a 1,600-person survey of mid- to high-income households conducted by Energy Impact Illinois (EI2) to gauge attitudes toward home improvements and energy efficiency upgrades.

Author: Aaron Milano, City of Durham, North Carolina
Publication Date: 2011

Presentation explaining how Durham, North Carolina, implemented a neighborhood home energy upgrade program that achieved significant energy savings.

Author: Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publication Date: 2011

This market assessment for the City of Greensboro, North Carolina identifies the customers and potential demand for an energy efficiency upgrade financing program.

Author: Dan Curry, Clean Energy Durham
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation discusses how Clean Energy Durham focuses on getting neighbors to talk to neighbors about energy efficiency to drive demand.

Author: Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit)
Publication Date: 2012

This document contains Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit) High Road standards for its statewide upgrade program; the standards are designed to ensure contractors do high-quality work, disadvantaged communities get new employment opportunities, and high-quality, family-supporting jobs are created.

Author: Marlowe Kulley, Portland Bureau of Planning & Sustainability
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation is a tour of the project evaluation and data collection system that Clean Energy Works Portland uses to survey its participating residents.

Author: Kristin Hall, Cleveland Mayor's Office of Sustainability; Anand Natarajan, Cleveland Mayor's Office of Sustainability
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation on efforts of Cleveland to create a sustainable business model.

Author: Suzanne Russo, Pecan Street Project Inc.
Publication Date: 2011

Headquartered at The University of Texas at Austin, Pecan Street Inc. is a research and development organization focused on developing and testing advanced technology, business model and customer behavior surrounding advanced energy management systems. Their flagship effort is the Pecan Street Demonstration Project that began in an Austin community. This presentation discusses collecting and using data to assess and improve the Pecan Street Project.

Author: Andrea Petzel, Community Power Works
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation discusses the new approach to training that Seattle's Community Power Works program is using to support its high-road workforce agreement.

Author: Community Power Works
Publication Date: 2010

This planning document from Community Power Works of Seattle, Washington, includes flow charts and tables designed to help guide both the initial launch of the program, which includes setting goals, and its ongoing development.

Author: Kerry O'Neill, Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation shares how the Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge collected and evaluated data and used the results to improve its program.

Author: Lee Butler, New York State Energy Research and Development Authority
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation provides information on strategies to successfully recruit contractors. Topics include setting goals, identifying contractors, contacting contractors, and following up with contractors.

Author: Cynthia Adams, Local Energy Alliance Program
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation provides an overview of the process and tools the Local Energy Alliance Program (LEAP) of Charlottesville, Virginia uses to collect and report customer and contractor data on projects.

Author: JEA
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes JEA's program and lessons learned about designing custom messages for specific markets.

Author: Gavin Hastings, Arizona Public Service
Publication Date: 2014

This presentation describes how APS' decision to switch to flexible requirements for energy assessment and modeling software and data transfer using HPXML standards reduced administrative time and improved contractor satisfaction.

Author: Global Green New Orleans
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes the Global Green New Orleans program and lessons learned about designing custom messages for specific markets.

Author: Mary Templeton, BetterBuildings for Michigan
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation on how Michigan Saves realigned its incentives to encourage more projects with significant energy savings potential.

Author: Efficiency Vermont
Publication Date: 2014

This report was prepared to provide an overview and analysis of results and lessons learned under Efficiency Vermont’s program from 2011-2013.  The aim was to explore the factors that motivate customers to initiate and complete retrofit projects, how have these factors influenced the growth and development of the program, and opportunities to update and evolve the program.

Author: Energize Phoenix
Publication Date: 2011

This report provides results, lessons learned and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing building on an urban scale based on the first year of the Energize Phoenix energy efficiency program.

Author: Energize Phoenix
Publication Date: 2014

This report provides results, lessons learned and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing building on an urban scale based on the third year of the Energize Phoenix energy efficiency program.

Author: Energize Phoenix
Publication Date: 2012

This report provides results, lessons learned and recommendations for driving energy efficiency in existing building on an urban scale based on the second year of the Energize Phoenix energy efficiency program.

Author: Dimitrios Laloudakis, Energize Phoenix
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation outlines the techniques for collecting and evaluating energy efficiency program evaluation data, including data related to marketing efforts.

Author: Dave Hatchimonji, EnergySmart
Publication Date: 2014

Overview of lessons learned from EnergySmart Colorado's energy advisor model.

Author: Nancy L. Hohns, EnergyWorks
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes the brand, messaging strategy, and campaign tactics used by Philadelphia EnergyWorks to reach its target audience.

Author: Lauren Swiston, Maryland Energy Administration
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation discusses workforce development experiences with residential energy efficiency programs in Maryland, including early successes, work with moderate-income populations, partnerships with utilities and colleges, challenges, and lessons learned.

Author: Environmental and Energy Study Institute
Publication Date: 2011

Presentation explaining the advantages and challenges of electric cooperatives, and discussing the implementation of an energy efficiency program operated by an electric cooperative in South Carolina.

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report provides an independent analysis of the job creation impact of DOE's investment in energy efficiency programs, from 2010 to 2013. The analysis calculates the job creation results that would have occurred in the Southeast, based on the prevailing economic conditions from 2010 to 2013, had DOE invested in sectors other than energy efficiency.

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report provides an independent analysis of the economic performance of SEEA's 13-city, U.S. Department of Energy-funded energy efficiency upgrade consortium from 2010 to 2013. It estimates the net impacts of SEEA's energy efficiency programs on the economy of the southeast region as a whole, and on the economies of the states with participating programs.

Author: Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2013

This report demonstrates the results achieved to date by the Southeast Energy Efficiency Alliance. It highlights the experiences of Consortium programs, their successes driving further investments in energy efficiency improvements, and the challenges that hindered their progress. It also details the infrastructure, resources, and opportunities that support the deployment of energy efficiency programming, and the approaches that the Consortium has found best suited to the region.

Author: Peter Ludwig, CNT Energy
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation that provides an overview of the Energy Savers Program (Illinois), including services, benefits, and success stories.

Author: Steve Culbertson, BKi
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation talks about Energy Upgrade California's Flex Path pilot program which offers a menu of upgrade options for homeowners to select. Its flexible approach has been popular with middle-income homeowners interested in upgrades.

Author: Energy Upgrade California
Publication Date: 2011

This Los Angeles County, California, presentation shares how to build broad, positive awareness of and support for programs; gain the tools and resources to align and coordinate marketing efforts; and increase flexibility and responsiveness in messaging and scope.

Author: EnergySmart
Publication Date: 2011

This guide outlines EnergySmart's marketing plan and program implementation strategies.

Author: Navigant, Inc. (Prepared for Boulder County)
Publication Date: 2012

This progress report provides community members and others interested in EnergySmart with a clear snapshot of its progress. The report also provides a timeline of energy efficiency policies and programs in Boulder County.

Author: Opinion Dynamics Corporation
Publication Date: 2013

This report presents the results of an independent evaluation of Efficiency Maine Trust's Residential Direct Install Program for Fiscal Year 2013.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2014

This report builds and expands off of previous research by collecting and evaluating data from 800 Illinois Home Performance (IHP) retrofits. This study investigates homeowner measure package choices in the Illinois Home Performance with ENERGY STAR® (IHP) program compared to cost-optimal choices determined through Building Energy Optimization (BEopt™) modeling software.

Author: The Cadmus Group, Inc.
Publication Date: 2012

NeighborWorks of Western Vermont (NWWVT) contracted with The Cadmus Group, Inc., to evaluate its H.E.A.T. Squad program. The evaluation activities informed two main areas of interest: program and market effects, and impact and cost-effectiveness. To inform the evaluation, Cadmus surveyed participant and non-participant homeowners and interviewed program stakeholders.

Author: Environmental Finance Center at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Publication Date: 2010

This market assessment evaluates lending options for funding energy efficiency upgrades in North Carolina.

Author: Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Publication Date: 2012

This policy brief describes how NYSERDA's Assisted Home Performance with ENERGY STAR Program increases access to financing through tiered underwriting criteria.

Author: KEMA Inc.
Publication Date: 2007

This report presents the findings of Phase 2 of the California Public Utilities Commission Low Income Needs Assessment Study. The results of the needs assessment suggest that, over time, the programs have effectively targeted and provided services to low-income households that have the greatest need.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2012

A list of tips from Connecticut's Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge for working with utilities to access energy usage data.

Author: Kellie Stickney, SustainableWorks
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation on the SustainableWorks non-profit general contractor model for supporting energy upgrades in Washington state and lessons learned for implementing a whole house approach.

Author: Indianapolis Neighborhood Housing Partnership
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation shares the broad outreach efforts in Indianapolis.

Author: Stacy Ho and Jeremy Hays, Green For All
Publication Date: 2011

This report highlights the impact of investment for Portland, Oregon in terms of high-quality job creation, equitable hiring, inclusive business opportunities, standardized training, and energy conservation.

Author: Martha Jane Murray, William J. Clinton Foundation
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing the Clinton Foundation's Home Energy Affordability Loan program.

Author: Dana Fischer, Efficiency Maine Trust
Publication Date: 2014

Insights from Efficiency Maine related to Workforce Development.

Author: Lilah Glick, Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance
Publication Date: 2011

Presentation from the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance on how to conduct a real-time evaluation of programs and services.

Author: Will Baker, Midwest Energy Efficiency Alliance
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes the Illinois Home Performance program and marketing strategy lessons learned.

Author: Navigant, Inc.
Publication Date: 2013

This report presents impact evaluation results for the Energy Savers program for large multi-family buildings. The Energy Savers program is run by CNT Energy and Community Investment Corporation. Initiated in January 2008 and now in its fifth year of existence, the Energy Savers program involves a variety of services to promote energy efficiency improvements for multi-family residential buildings of 5-50 units in the affordable housing market segment.

Author: DNV KEMA Energy & Sustainability
Publication Date: 2014

This report documents findings and recommendations from an impact evaluation of the California Energy Commission’s California Comprehensive Residential Retrofit program, a statewide energy upgrade program funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. The program funded local and regional subrecipients to develop and test initiatives aimed at transforming the residential energy upgrade market and building an infrastructure for whole-building energy upgrades. These local and regional governments collaborated with California’s major utilities to jointly conduct the statewide Energy Upgrade California program.

Author: Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit)
Publication Date: 2010

Clean Energy Works Oregon (now Enhabit) developed consumer profiles based on research the program conducted on its target audience.

Author: Efficiency Maine
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation from Efficiency Maine shows early adopters and higher income residents tend to take advantage of large incentives, but smaller incentives may be a way to engage a broader range of income levels.

Author: Frank Rapley, Tennessee Valley Authority
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation describes the Kentucky Home Performance program and lessons learned on testing innovative approaches to engaging consumers.

Author: Joni Zacharisen, CPS Energy; Clint McKenzie, City of San Antonio, Texas
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing the San Antonio program and tactics used to drive demand and enhance service delivery to make the program simpler for customers.

Author: Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing the Greater Cincinnati Energy Alliance program and tactics used to drive demand and enhance service delivery to make the program simpler for customers.

Author: Mary Templeton, BetterBuildings for Michigan
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation describing the State of Michigan and Michigan Saves programs and tactics used to drive demand and enhance service delivery to make the program simpler for customers.

Author: Energy Trust Oregon (Prepared by Johnson Consulting Group)
Publication Date: 2012

This report presents key findings and recommendations from the process evaluation of Clean Energy Works Oregon's (now Enhabit's) energy efficiency financing program. Table 1 provides a good list of key process evaluation research questions which may help others scope comprehensive process evaluations.

Author: Gary R. Myers, Poudre Valley Rural Electric Association
Publication Date: 2011

This presentation explains how to engage and motivate contractors and utility companies through the use of commitments, creating a dynamic program that they can become involved with, and the setting of standards for contractors.

Author: Local Energy Alliance Program
Publication Date: 2013

This annual report summarizes the program's accomplishments in 2012, including the number of home upgrades, the cumulative amount of private investment leveraged for energy efficiency improvements, cumulative annual cost savings for building owners, and jobs created. It also includes testimonials from LEAP customers.

Author: Kat Donnelly, Connecticut Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation outlines the steps Connecticut's Neighbor to Neighbor Energy Challenge program took to obtain and sort useful feedback from surveys and volunteer observations.

Author: Lisanne Altmann, Long Island Power Authority
Publication Date: 2011

An overview of ENERGY STAR remodeling options and the associated cost savings.

Author: Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation describes California property owners' specific interest, awareness, and perceptions regarding energy use, energy efficiency, home energy upgrades, and related topics.

Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

Los Angeles County presented its market research analysis.

Author: Los Angeles County, California
Publication Date: 2010

This report describes California property owners' specific interest, awareness, and perceptions regarding energy use, energy efficiency, home energy upgrades, and related topics. The study results were used for program design and to design and support marketing and outreach campaigns that encouraged energy upgrades

Author: Jane Bugbee, The United Illuminating Company
Publication Date: 2012

This presentation highlights the Connecticut Energy Efficiency Fund's efforts to integrate HVAC contractors, builders, and remodelers into its home performance program, which expanded its customer base and significantly scaled up the program. It includes lessons on outreach strategies for integrating these types of contractors into the program.

Author: U.S. Department of Energy
Publication Date: 2010

This presentation summarizes the market research that was performed by various Better Buildings Neighborhood Program partners.

Author: Emily Levin, Efficiency Vermont
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation that shares Marketing & Outreach lessons learned from Vermont.

Author: Elise Avers, Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources
Publication Date: 2012

Presentation that describes the successful elements of the Massachusetts HEAT loan program, including how it is funded and who is eligible.

Author: Mary Templeton, Michigan Saves
Publication Date: 2014

This presentation describes the financial data Michigan Saves tracks and how the program uses the data to inform program implementation.

Author: National Association of State Energy Officials
Publication Date: 2014

The Multi-State Residential Retrofit Project is a residential energy-efficiency pilot program, funded by a competitive U.S. State Energy Program (SEP) award through the U.S. Department of Energy. The Multi-State Project operates in four states: Alabama, Massachusetts, Virginia, and Washington. During the course of this three-year process evaluation, Cadmus worked closely with NASEO and the four states to collect information about the programs from many perspectives, including: State Energy Office staff, program implementers, homeowners, auditors/contractors, real estate professionals, appraisers, lenders, and utility staff. This report discusses: the project’s context; its goals; the evaluation approach and methods; cross-cutting evaluation results; and results specific to each of the four states.
