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Research and Data Results

33 results match your filter criteria.

NWFSC Monster Seminar Jam: Dr. Christine Stawitz

| 11 a.m. PT -12 p.m. PT

This seminar is part of the Northwest Fisheries Science Center's Monster Seminar Jam series.


Eastern Bering Sea Crab Distribution Data Map

This database contains distribution information for crab species in the…
Alaskan King Crab.

Feasibility of Tagging Sablefish (Anoplopoma fimbria) with Pop-Off Satellite Tags in the Northeast Pacific Ocean

This paper discusses the feasibility, methods, and initial results of…
November 15, 2018 - Technical Memo ,

Alaska Essential Fish Habitat Research Plan, Processed Report 2012-06

A Research Plan for the National Marine Fisheries Service’s Alaska…
September 19, 2018 - Strategic Plans ,

Alaska Ichthyoplankton Distribution Map

North Pacific ichthyoplankton data from surveys between 1972 and 2009.
September 12, 2018 - Map ,

NOAA Habitat Science Plays Important Roles in Oyster Reef Restoration

Chesapeake Bay oyster restoration efforts rely on sonar surveys, habitat…
August 31, 2018 - Feature Story ,
NCBO field technician deploys a video camera to research oysters.

Larval Fish Research in Alaska

Ichthyoplankton are the early stages of fishes (eggs and larvae) that are…

Shrimp Fishery Research in the Southeast

We monitor shrimp stocks and evaluate shrimp fishery impacts on protected species and other fisheries.

Panel Review of Data Management Practices in the Pacific Islands

| 8:30 AM

In 2010, a panel of independent experts reviewed and evaluated the Science Center's approaches to management of scientific data.
