Fish and Aquatic Conservation

Information iconEnjoying a day of fishing. (Photo: USFWS)

Fish and Aquatic Conservation Partnerships

Our work to educate and engage the public in advancing our conservation mission goes well beyond the resources of any one agency or organization. The Fish and Aquatic Conservation program, in collaboration with partners and the public, work together to make a difference. They do so by building support for the efforts that we, and our partners, are undertaking to conserve our nation’s rich and diverse aquatic resources for current and future generations.

Partners include the Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council, the Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation, Fisheries Friends Groups, as well as other federal agencies and state and tribal governments.

Sport Fishing and Boating Partnership Council

Advises the Secretary of the Interior, through the Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service, on aquatic conservation endeavors that benefit recreational fishery resources and recreational boating and that encourage partnerships among industry, the public, and government. It seeks to conserve, restore, and enhance the quality, function, sustainable productivity, and distribution of aquatic resources that support and increase recreational fishing and boating opportunities nationwide.

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Recreational Boating and Fishing Foundation (RBFF)

RBFF is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to increase participation in recreational angling and boating, thereby protecting and restoring the nation’s aquatic natural resources.

RBFF has developed a wide variety of programs and products that make it easy for people to get involved in recreational fishing and boating. Under the Take Me Fishing™ and Vamos A Pescar™ national campaigns, RBFF provides the tools to help people get started. RBFF’s digital assets, and, are the most comprehensive fishing and boating websites nationwide and are the key destinations for individuals to learn, plan and equip for a day on the water.

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