Juanita Roca

Representative for El Salvador and Chile

Juanita Roca is the IAF Representative for El Salvador and Chile. She is also a member of the Office of Networks and Strategic Initiatives. She coordinates the IAF’s relations with RedEAmérica, a network of corporate foundations that supports grassroots initiatives.  Before joining the IAF in 2004, Juanita worked for Conservation International as Technical Director for the Healthy Communities Initiative, a grant program to evaluate the link between community well-being and the environment across 18 countries in Latin America, Asia, and Africa. Her more than 20 years of professional experience in international development include stints with Doctors without Borders (Holland), OXFAM-UK/America, Bread for the World–Holland, STROMME-Denmark, Norwegian Program for Indigenous Peoples, and MOVIMONDO. She is fluent in Spanish and French and holds a master’s degree in Anthropology with a focus on medical anthropology from Catholic University of America. Her published works include articles about violence in Colombia and its impact on civil society.