Act Responsibly

Seeing killer whales and other marine wildlife in their natural environment can be a thrilling experience.

In our excitement, we sometimes forget that our presence has an effect on wildlife and their habitat. Just like us, marine animals need space to find food, choose mates, raise young, socialize and rest.

When we get too close, approach too fast, or make too much noise, we may be disrupting these activities and causing the animals unnecessary stress. In some cases, we may be threatening their lives. Set an example for others, and help protect our spectacular marine resources.

Be Whale Wise – Follow these guidelines and local laws in the presence of marine wildlife.

Federal Regulations for killer whales require that boaters stay 200 yards away & keep path of the whales clear. These U.S. regulations apply to all vessels (with some exceptions) in inland waters of Washington.

In 2012 Washington State updated its vessel regulation protecting killer whales to correspond with federal regulations. See for details.