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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services

NBSB Working Groups and Subcommittee


NBSB/NACCD Joint Youth Leadership Working Group
The NBSB/NACCD Joint Youth Leadership Working Group (YLWG) will address the issues and opportunities associated with engaging our nation’s youth in early identification and development of next-generation leadership in preparedness, response, and resilience. The YLWG will highlight the unique contributions that these emerging leaders can make to community and national preparedness and response, and will pay particular attention to the range of language and cultural backgrounds, family composition, socioeconomic status and other factors that characterize the country. The YLWG will identify promising practices, and recommend a discreet, prioritized set of strategies and tactics to accomplish this goal.


All Hazards Science Response Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board, the All Hazards Science Response Working Group (AHSR-WG) investigated strategies on how the United States Government might better deal with knowledge gaps and research needs as part of an inclusive response to future hazards and public health emergencies. The topics addressed included (but not be limited to) what must be done in advance to enable this response, the specification of the major components of such a science response, and how this response might be operationalized. The AHSR-WG developed recommendations to the NBSB on a way forward to the development of an All Hazards Science Response Strategy by exploring these vital topics.

Anthrax Vaccine Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Anthrax Vaccine (AV) Working Group (WG) investigated particular issues around the use of Anthrax Vaccine Adsorbed (AVA), in pediatric populations. The AV WG identified and explored the risk and benefits of using AVA vaccine in pediatric populations, including risk communication, legal and ethical considerations, and challenges through the continuum of preparedness and response. By September 22, 2011, the AV WG generated a written report with recommendations for deliberation and vote by the NBSB for the Secretary of Health and Human Services synthesizing the issues and best course of action to prepare for a potential use of AVA in pediatric populations.

ASPR Future Strategies Working Group
Established under the National Preparedness and Response Science Board (NPRSB), also known as the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the ASPR Future Strategies Working Group (ASPR FSWG) identified future strategies that could best support successful achievement of ASPR’s and the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) mission for preparedness, response and recovery. The ASPR FSWG provided prioritized recommendations for guiding current efforts toward future strategies. In addition, the ASPR FSWG assessed environmental, scientific, fiscal, policy, and other relevant spheres for potential near- and far-term conditions that may affect ASPR’s mission space as well as identified the impact on national health security of key ASPR accomplishments and challenges in an effort to inform future direction.

Community Health Resilience Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Community Health Resilience (CHR) Working Group (WG) explored the concepts and issues and made actionable recommendations to the NBSB regarding policies and actions that will build and help sustain community health resilience.

Disaster Medicine Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board, the Disaster Medicine Working Group provided advice to the NBSB in the broad area of disaster medicine and public health preparedness which included planning, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from significant events impacting the health and well-being of individuals and populations. Disaster Medicine professionals and responders, a multi-disciplinary group from the health care, public health, emergency management and commercial/academic sectors provide insight, guidance and expertise on the principles and practice of medicine and public health in preparing for and responding to the broad range of disasters and the resulting health needs of affected individuals, communities and populations with the overarching goal of insuring and protecting our National Health Security.

Future of NBSB
Established at the request of the ASPR, in a letter dated December 11, 2009, the NBSB explored priorities for the future, and performed an analysis of current NBSB Working Groups, that included: Membership expertise, the utility of current tasks and responsibilities, and what new tasks should be undertaken. The Board’s interaction with the Disaster Mental Health Subcommittee was also analyzed.

Future of the NPRSB Working Group
Established under the National Preparedness and Response Science Board (NPRSB) at the request of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response. The Working Group explored NPRSB priorities for the future, and performed an analysis of current NPRSB Working Groups, that included: Membership expertise, the utility of current tasks and responsibilities, and what new tasks should be undertaken.

Medical Countermeasures Markets and Sustainability Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Medical Countermeasure Markets and Sustainability Working Group (M&S-WG) evaluated existing financial, policy and regulatory issues that influence industry willingness to invest in the development of vaccines and therapeutic products for use as medical countermeasures. The M&S-WG considered how current research, development, and procurement efforts relate to questions of market sustainability and product development. M&S-WG deliberations focused on strategies that encourage greater industry participation in the development of new medical countermeasures and increase industry efforts to gain approval of licensed products for new indications as medical countermeasures.

Medical Countermeasures Research and Development Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Medical Countermeasure Research and Development Working Group (MCMR&D-WG) reviewed the status of USG collaboration and integration of medical countermeasure research and development processes. Recommendations on interactions and processes across the scope of USG medical countermeasure efforts that would enhance interagency collaboration and improve coordination of activities was provided by the Working Group to the NBSB.

Medical Countermeasures Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Medical Countermeasures Working Group (MCM-WG) performed a robust analysis of the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) utilizing data generated through a series of white papers commissioned by the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR) plus the Institute of Medicine (IOM) workshop examining two broad issues; 1) the market forces and incentives that contribute to or detract from the government's ability to meet its preparedness goals, and 2) an analysis of stockpiling, distribution, dispensing and use strategies, and the NBSB sponsored workshop on the strategic management, leadership and accountability structure of the Enterprise. By March 26, 2010, the MCM-WG generated a written report for the Secretary of Health and Human Services synthesizing the issues and challenges facing the PHEMCE, and at the discretion of the Board, suggested policy options to optimize it.

Pandemic Influenza Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Pandemic Influenza Working Group (PI-WG) considered scientific progress and policy options regarding the research and development portfolio of medical countermeasures, supplies, and product utilization to prevent, treat, and mitigate the effects of a novel strain of human influenza during a pandemic. Other issues related to pandemic influenza was considered by the PI-WG as they arise. The Working Group reported their findings to the NBSB.

Personal Preparedness and Community Resilience Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Personal Preparedness Working Group (PP-WG) was formed in response to information presented at the Board’s June 2008 meeting regarding specific efforts to promote personal preparedness at the individual citizen level. The WG considered the scientific background, practical implications and policy options regarding personal preparedness. Although the WG was initially charged with the evaluation of personal preparedness from an all-hazard perspective, the group's charge was expanded to include community resilience in September 2010.

Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Medical Countermeasures Preparedness Assessment Working Group
Established under the National Preparedness and Response Science Board (NPRSB), also known as the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the PHEMCE MCM Preparedness Working Group (PHEMCE MCMPA WG) reviewed the MCM preparedness assessment process and the results of pilot studies conducted by the PHEMCE. The PHEMCE MCMPA WG evaluated the effectiveness of the approach taken for four pilot preparedness assessments, explored how the MCM capabilities are currently defined, and identified gaps. In addition, the PHEMCE MCMPA WG recommended how to best utilize assessment results to improve future MCM preparedness.

Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategic Implementation Plan Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the PHEMCE SIP WG performed an analysis and reviewed of the 2012 PHEMCE SIP to ensure that it addresses the most significant threats, supported approaches that build platforms capable of providing protection against multiple threats, and maintained resources to effectively deploy capabilities in the operational setting. The PHEMCE SIP envisioned would protect the health and safety of US citizens by ensuring that the nation has the ability to effectively develop, stockpile, deploy, utilize and sustain medical countermeasures (MCMs) needed to protect the nation from a wide spectrum of intentional and naturally occurring threats. The WG obtained feedback from key stakeholders at multiple levels, including the public, and across various interest areas. The PHEMCE SIP WG group submitted a letter evaluating the full PHEMCE SIP at near completion, by the end of 2012, to the Secretary of Health and Human Services and Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.

Public Health and Healthcare Situational Awareness Strategic Implementation Plan Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Public Health and Healthcare Situational Awareness (SA) Strategic Implementation Plan (SIP) WG reviewed and evaluated the Public Health and Healthcare SA SIP as it is developed and offered guidance and recommendations on the necessary metrics to enhance the current national public health and healthcare SA capabilities. In addition, the WG assessed current biosurveillance activities, identify efficiencies, and made recommendations in coordination with the applicable existing Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advisory committees. In the course of this assessment, the WG engaged key stakeholders to provide expert input and practical perspectives, and submitted a report of its findings and recommendations to the NBSB for a final vote prior to the deadline established in the future reauthorization of the Pandemic and All Hazards Preparedness Act.

Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategic Preparedness Goals Working Group
Established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB), the Strategic Preparedness Goals (SPG) Working Group, provided support and expertise in the determination of the best methodologies to use to achieve a rational and realistic balance between the preparedness goals and objectives stated in the 2012 United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) PHEMCE Implementation Plan and real resource capacity. These recommendations to the NBSB explored ways to ensure that our nation has appropriate and reasonable medical countermeasures and the capability to deploy them when needed to counter any threat as assessed by ASPR.


Disaster Mental Health Subcommittee
The Disaster Mental Health Subcommittee, established under the National Biodefense Science Board (NBSB) provided advice and guidance for discussion and deliberation to the NBSB. The NBSB provided recommendations to the Secretary on matters of special interest to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) regarding protecting, preserving, and restoring individual and community mental health in catastrophic health event settings, including pre-event, intra-event, and post-event education, messaging, and interventions, with the long term goal of enhancing capabilities at the State and local level for addressing disaster mental health.

National Biodefense Science Board

For further questions or comments on the National Biodefense Science Board, please contact us via the National Biodefense Science Board Contact Form.

Working Groups and Subcommittee Quick Links

Working Groups:

  • All Hazards Science Response
  • Anthrax Vaccine
  • ASPR Future Strategies
  • Community Health Resilience
  • Disaster Medicine
  • Future of NBSB
  • Future of the NPRSB
  • Medical Countermeasures
  • Medical Countermeasures Market and Sustainability
  • Medical Countermeasures Research and Development
  • Pandemic Influenza
  • ​Personal Preparedness and Community Resilience
  • ​PHEMCE Medical Countermeasures Preparedness Assessment
  • PHEMCE Strategic Implementation Plan
  • Public Health and Healthcare Situational Awareness Strategic Implementation Plan
  • Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise Strategic Preparedness Goals


  • Disaster Mental Health
  • This page last reviewed: September 21, 2018