Key Issues > Military Force Sizing and Organization
defense icon, source: [West Covina, California] Progressive Management, 2008

Military Force Sizing and Organization

A changing security environment, the need to rebuild readiness after continual deployments since 9/11, ongoing commitments in Afghanistan, and fiscal pressures on the defense budget have all added to the Department of Defense's (DOD) challenge of developing an affordable plan to resize and reorganize its forces to successfully conduct a wide range of missions now and in the future.

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After a decade of supporting military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, DOD is examining how best to size and organize forces to successfully undertake a wide range of potential future missions to address both conventional and unconventional threats within expected budgets. As more of its forces return from deployments in support of military operations and the security environment evolves, DOD intends to adjust its force structure and investment plans to

  • reduce the size of military forces while maintaining readiness for the full range of potential missions;
  • rebalance the presence of U.S. forces abroad, with a renewed focus on the Asia-Pacific region;
  • invest in existing and new capabilities needed to enhance its ability to respond to emerging threats such as countering weapons of mass destruction, defending against ballistic missiles, and operating effectively in cyberspace and environments where adversaries have the capability to deny U.S. access; and
  • expand the capacity of U.S. forces to engage in activities to build the security capability of partners.

DOD is examining potential tradeoffs among requirements across the joint force, ways to mitigate risks, and how to become more efficient. However, it has not yet decided on important force structure issues, such as the optimum mix of active and reserve forces or changes to its overseas posture, nor has it developed plans for how it will prioritize and link future investments to its strategic objectives. In addition, opportunities exist for DOD to expand the scope of its efforts to identify efficiencies among its organizations and programs. Examining alternatives to traditional approaches and effectively prioritizing investments will assist DOD in maximizing the use of available resources as it seeks to meet competing demands.

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  • portrait of Cary Russell
    • Cary Russell
    • Director, Defense Capabilities and Management
    • (202) 512-5431
  • portrait of John Pendleton
    • John Pendleton
    • Director, Defense Capabilities and Management
    • (404) 679-1816