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  • DHS launches Client Satisfaction Survey
    DHS Client Satisfaction Survey
    DHS is always looking for ways to serve you better. Clients are invited to take our customer satisfaction survey to tell us how we're doing and to share ideas about how we could improve. Your feedback is helpful to us because it is an important way we measure our progress toward goals. It also helps us prioritize our efforts to improve our service to you. The online survey is fast and confidential.
  • Oregonians play key role in helping children
    young girl
    DHS works hard to help children be healthy and safe, but the public also plays a key role in helping children in danger. DHS depends on people to help by reporting suspected child abuse promptly.
Child abuse and neglect
Children's Mental Health
little boy smiling
Oregon is developing an integrated Children's System of Care to improve services and supports for children and their families.
Child care resources
Raise me up Oregon Campaign
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Adoption and Foster parenting
mom and foster daughter
Become a foster parent for children needing safe, temporary homes or adopt a child waiting for a family to call their own.
Teens and adolescents
group of teens
Links to adolescent health, teen pregnancy prevention, Americorps HOPE, Independent Living Programs, My Future My Choice program
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