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  • 2015
  • 2010

*To modify a table in to a specific race, Hispanic origin, or tribal population, select "Customize Table" and then select the "Topic" tool at the top of the table.  Scroll down and select "Race and Ethnicity."  From here the table can be modified by a specific race, Hispanic origin, or tribal population.  Once a specifc race, Hispanic origin, or tribal population is selected, close the "Topic" tool and the table will update.  Similar steps can be followed to modify a table by ancestry.  Select the "Topic" tool and scroll down to select "Populations and People."  Next, select "Ancestry" and from here a specific ancestry can be selected.  Once an ancestry is selected, close the "Topic" tool and the table will update.

*To modify the geography of a table in, select "Customize Table" and then select the "Geographies" tool at the top of the table.  From here the table can be modified by Region, State, County, and more.  Once a geography is selected close the "Geographies" tool and the table will update.

Application Programming Interface (API) data:

The 2011-2015 ACS 5-Year Selected Population Data Profiles will not be migrated into or the API.

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