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World Bank Open Data Website (beta)
Hello! Thank you for checking out the new beta version of the World Bank's Open Data website. We have made some improvements in performance and usability and are interested in what you think. Please help us by completing the questions below. Your feedback will help us to make final improvements before the site goes into production later this year.

Visit the new open data website at:

Overall, how easy was it for you to navigate the website and find data?
What did you use to test drive the new website today?
Please use the new website to attempt the tasks below, and indicate how easy or difficult each task was to complete.
Very easy
Somewhat easy
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Couldn't complete
Find the global literacy rate for women
Create a bar chart showing the total population for Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda
Find the country with the fastest growing economy in 2005 (based on annual growth rate)
Find the definition and source for an indicator
Find other available data products or topics
Were there any parts of the website that you found confusing or hard to use?
Your answer
Do you have any suggestions for improvements to the website?
Your answer
(Optional): leave your email address in case so we can follow up if necessary.
Your answer
Thank you! Your time and feedback is very helpful to us.
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