Give to help us support Americans with financial disaster recovery services through HOPE Inside Disaster. 100% of your donations are program-focused.

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Donation Total: $50.00


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Donation Total: $50.00 One Time

This year, we need 60,000 people to stand with the purpose-driven mission of HOPE to disrupt poverty and empower inclusion for low and moderate-income youth and adults.

You can be one, with a one-time donation of at least $25.

Today, say that you’re one – on purpose – to support thousands of first-time homeowners, youth innovators, disaster survivors, and small business owners across the nation and around the world.


Make checks payable to Operation HOPE. If you’re donating in honor of someone, please write that in the memo of your check.

Send checks to, Operation HOPE, 191 Peachtree Street, Suite 3840 Atlanta, GA 30303.

All contributions are 100% tax-deductible. Operation HOPE, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3). ein: 95-437-8084. CFC# 86032

Operation HOPE Donor Privacy Policy:

For Operation HOPE, transparency is critical for trust, support, loyalty, and long-term sustainability. This means financial accountability, openness about mission, and a holistic view of the organization. Transparency also means that donors are clearly informed of their rights. HOPE’s internal work is directly related to the support it externally receives; therefore, HOPE gives priority to protecting donor and supporter information.

HOPE adheres to the following donor principles:

  • Fundraising will be truthful and accurately described
  • Donations will be spent in accordance with the donor’s intent
  • Donors will receive prompt, forthright answers to questions
  • Donors have the right to be informed of HOPE’s mission and purpose
  • Fundraising will respect the dignity and privacy of those who benefit from HOPE’s activities
  • Donors will receive appropriate acknowledgement and recognition for their gift
  • HOPE will respect the donor’s requests to remain anonymous
  • Upon request, donors are entitled to promptly receive the organization’s most recent stewardship report and proof of 501(c)3 tax-exempt status
  • Donors will have the opportunity to have their names deleted from mailing and fundraising solicitations. Their opt-out request will be honored promptly
  • HOPE will respect donors’ privacy by not sharing, selling or renting names and personal information
  • Donors can expect that all relationships with individuals representing HOPE will be professional in nature and that they will be treated with respect, compassion and dignity


Operation HOPE is the largest non-governmental, non-profit organization in America, working to disrupt poverty and empower the underserved with financial inclusion, economic empowerment and financial dignity for all. Operation HOPE is America’s financial coach.

Credit and Money Management

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Small Business Development

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Employee Financial Wellness

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Youth Financial Literacy

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Youth Entrepreneurship

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Youth Job Skills

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Financial Disaster Recovery

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