Welcome to Digital.gov

We help the government community deliver better digital services.

Our mission is to transform how government learns, builds, delivers, and measures digital services in the 21st century.

And we do that by providing people in the federal government with the tools, methods, practices, and policy guidance they need to deliver effective and accessible digital services.

It is our job to be the experts in the problems people in government face, and support them wherever they may be blocked.

Our Guiding Principles

1. Elevate digital literacy and understanding

We aim to unpack complexity and make it possible for a wide audience to confidently understand digital.

2. Bring a human focus to digital

We cannot talk about technology without talking about the people who create it, and the people it affects.

3. Don’t fear the problems

We believe talking about challenges and unsolved problems is as important as talking about proven solutions.

4. Make collaboration easy

Open collaboration across government is critical to a secure, digital future. It’s Digital.gov’s job to enable collaboration and make it easier.

5. Listen

Everything we do is informed by what our audience needs. We apply multiple methods for measuring, listening, and understanding to our products.

6. Work in the open

We do all of our work in the open and strive to organize our work in ways that allow others to participate.

What our readers need:

  • Tools and Resources
  • Examples of problems being solved in government
  • Collaboration

Learn more about what our readers need »

Our Team

We are a cross-functional team of writers, editors, strategists, technologists, and designers who all work at the Technology Transformation Services (TTS) at the General Services Administration (GSA).

Digital.gov: Sara Cope, Toni Bonitto
Communities: Jacob Parcell
Video and Events: Alexandar Schulte, Gabrielle Fratanduono
U.S. Web Design System: Dan Williams

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