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  3. EOSDIS Update—Fall 2020 Quarterly Newsletter is now online!

EOSDIS Update—Fall 2020 Quarterly Newsletter is now online!

Find EOSDIS dataset and data tool news, top stories, featured data images, webinars, links to new learning resources, data recipes, and data user profiles.

EOSDIS Quarterly Update- Fall 2020Newsletter Cover Image

The Fall 2020 EOSDIS Update newsletter is here! In this issue you will read about EOSDIS strategies for processing, archiving, and distributing NASA Earth observing data to ensure that data are constantly available to global data users – regardless of world events. You’ll also learn about the amazing work of the talented group of summer interns who spent 10 weeks working virtually to keep vital ESDIS and DAAC projects moving forward. Along with these feature articles, you’ll also find links to Data User Profiles, webinars, data recipes, Pathfinders, and, of course, some amazing images of Earth.

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Page Last Updated: Dec 9, 2020 at 2:23 PM EST