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  • What's on Board
    8 Jun 2016

    Whether it is for their sand, sun, surf and amazing snorkeling, or merely for their serene ambience, the beaches on the enchanting island of Bali never fail to offer something for everyone. Having built  its reputation since the 80’s, some of the more well known beaches such as Kuta, Sanur, or Nusa Dua area already popular worldwide.Here, the beautiful coast of Bali fringes around luxurious resorts and popular tourist attractions. Over time, more amazing secluded beaches were “discovered” surrounding the island, continuously adding to the splendor that spells Bali.So, whether you are a frequent traveler or a first timer, these are some of the island’s most fascinating beaches that may not have been in the spotlight, but are most definitely worth a visit.1. Balangan BeachRanked 1st in CNN Go’s “Bali's best 5 hidden beaches” released on January 2012, this secluded paradise lies about some 30-40 minutes from the highly popular Kuta Beach. A perfect place to stroll down and enjoy the tranquility of nature at its finest, Surfers aficionados find at  Balangan  beach  Bali’s longest left-hander breaks.2. Dreamland BeachNot quite a secret beach anymore but still slightly ‘hidden’ due to its secluded location, Dreamland, Balangan’s ‘next door neighbour’, truly lives up to its name. A vast stretch of soft pearly white sand, clear blue sky over the crystal clear blue waters, and nothing but the fascinating sound of waves hitting the shores; this is where nature interprets  your dream.3. Suluban BeachWorld-class thrilling waves meet jaw-dropping scenery at the secluded surfers’ paradise of Suluban Beach.  Be it for a surfing holiday or a romantic getaway, the waves together with the spectacular scenery at Suluban Beach are indeed a true gem that make Bali sparkle.4. Amed BeachAmed Beach East Bali is everything you dreamed it would be: a rare and special paradise of outstanding exotic beauty, vibrant culture and friendly people. Snorkeling and diving off the black-sand beach here is exceptional, the variety and number of fish species here are among the best in Bali5. Pandawa BeachConcealed behind high cliffs and overgrown shrubbery, Pandawa beach has long remained secluded from the crowds of tourists, due to the less-than-easy path that has to be taken to access it. Seemingly endless stretches of pure white sand span from one end to the other. The clear blue water heaves to shore with the swell of the ocean in hypnotic rolling waves, from where the sea touches the sky.  6. Pemuteran BeachThe coastal Village of Pemuteran in North Bali is as far as it gets from the hustle and bustle found in the south of this fabled island. Instead, here peace and tranquility welcome all to its secluded beaches and captivating hilly background.  The charm of Pemuteran also lies below the surface of its calm waters, in the many diving spots, and most especially its phenomenal Underwater Temple.

  • What's on Board
    8 Jun 2016

    For many Western travelers, east Java is simply an area they pass through or hear about on their way to and from Bali. Things are changing though, and Banyuwangi, the city on the eastern tip of Java is earning a reputation for being a jump off point for the more intrepid traveler.As the largest regency in Java, Banyuwangi is a wonderfully varied area which hosts activities to suit every level of adventure. Rise at dawn to release tiny baby turtles with the help of a park ranger at the remote Sukamade Beach. Hike up Ijen Crater at night to see its famous blue flames and then stay to watch the sun illuminate the largest highly acidic lake in the world. Hikers can purchase pieces of sulfur that have been hand cut and carried out of the crater by traditional miners. After the hike, be sure not to miss the many waterfalls near the base of Ijen. Blawan Falls is easy to access and still a relatively unknown gem. Go on safari in the 25,000 hectare Baluran National Park, a forest preserve with miles of savannah grasslands and wild animals.Ocean lovers can surf world-class, completely empty lefts at G-land. Watch at dawn and dusk as wild deer pick their way across the dry reef and feed on algae. Swim at the picturesque Green Bay beach. Lounge on the rope swing bench at the end of the beach for a truly relaxing afternoon. Take a boat from Green Bay to land on a black sand beach one cove over. Hundreds of boats of every color dot the shoreline of this shallow bay. Local kids play pick up games of soccer or build their own kites from materials they find on the beach. Ask nicely enough and you just might get to join in!written by Chelsea Yamase (@chelseakauai)

  • What's on Board
    6 Jun 2016

    In October 2016, coinciding with the arrival of yachts at the coast of West Kalimantan by participants of the Sail Indonesia and Sail2Indonesia Rallies from Australia, the Sail Karimata Strait Yacht Rally awaits covering the area from the Strait of Karimata to the Riau islands of Bintan and Batam, before yachts finally leave the Indonesian border to Singapore. More Yachts from Singapore and Malaysia are also expected to join the rally at Karimata to converge with yachts that have already sailed across Indonesian waters from Darwin and Cairns Down Under ever since August.The Strait of Karimata is the sea that flows between the province of West Kalimantan on the island of Borneo and the provinces of Bangka-Belitung, and Jambi on Sumatra to the west, and the Riau islands province to its north, where the sea then meets the Strait of Malacca.Leading the preparations, Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs, Rizal Ramli, recently urged participating Governors to take advantage of this important occasion to boost their respective regional economies. In support of this event, and furthermore, to serve the needs of the provinces to grow  marine tourism in their regions,  the national government plans to build the necessary infrastructure including building main roads, clean water supply, and floating docks , besides supporting strategic events held  in this context that are aimed at the wider regional development. The event is fully supported by the Coordinating Ministry for Maritime Affairs, the Ministry for Tourism, Ministry for Transportation, and the Ministry for Marine and Fisheries. In response, The Riau Islands Province has determined that Sail Karimata activities will be held together with the Riau Islands (Kepri) Marine Festival, to take place from 20-30 October 2016. Sail Karimata is expected to be officially opened by Vice President Jusuf Kalla and to be held in the evening of 28 October 2016 in Tanjung Pinang, with as highlight the Sail Pass of a flotilla of Naval ships and participating Yachts.The 28 October 2016 happens to be the nation’s  historically significant Youth Pledge Day, when Indonesia’s youth in 1928 pledged to create: One Country, One Nation, One Language: Indonesia.   Meantime, the Riau Islands Marine Festival will be filled with a Fashion Carnival, Drum Bands parade, Dragon Boat races, art performances, an expo and Culinary Bazaar, besides Competitions in Traditional games such as Top Spinning, Swimming competition between Tanjung Pinang to the island of Penyengat, and much more,  for everyone to enjoy and participate. More details will follow nearing the event.

  • What's on Board
    3 Jun 2016

    This August make the island of Nias in the Indian Ocean your choice destination. From 6 to 8 August 2016, all district governments together with the people of Nias have joined hands to present the highlight of their 2016 Calendar of Events, which is filled with a cultural festivalcalled Ya’ahowu and the staging of the International Surf Competition .   Nias is already wellknown worldwide for its unbelievable rolling surf barrels, - the darling of surfers, - and the earliest discovered living Megalithic culture in the Indonesian archipelago, which still thrives on the island until this very day.These and other exciting cultural performances will be shown during the festival at Gunung Sitoli, that include the amazing famous barefeet high jumps over piles of stone, a mock battle , and other  unique and colorful traditional ceremonies of Nias. And for a more modern touch there will also be fashion shows and a culinary bazaar for all to enjoy.    At the same time the exciting International Surf Competition will be ongoing at Sorake Bay and Lagundri Beach.The Festival will close with popular Indonesian singers and 1,000 lanterns released into the sky.As part of the province of North Sumatra, the island is reachable by regular flights from the Kualanamu International Airport of Medan, capital city of the province to the Binaka Airport at Gunung Sitoli. While Sorake Bay is only some15 km from Gunung Sitoli. There are surf camps available there for surfers.   Medan receives flights from Singapore, Malaysia, Jakarta and other major cities in Indonesia.For more details see Related links attached to this article and click on the following link: http://indonesia.travel/sites/site/831/all-time-nias-surfing-at-sorake-bay-and-lagundri-beach

  • What's on Board
    27 May 2016

    Avid shoppers and discount hunters, brace yourself! This year, the ultimate shopping fiesta will again throw  the spotlight squarely on the metropolitan capital city of Jakarta when the Jakarta Great Sale Festival takes place from 3rd June to 17th July 2016. As part of the series of events celebrating the anniversary of Jakarta, which falls on 22nd June, the shopping fiesta will involve no less than 78 malls, multiple shopping centers, a number of traditional markets, and thousands of shops across this metropolitan city.Emphasizing on the environment awareness campaign in modern lifestyle, this year the festival has chosen the theme “Shop More, Less Plastic”.As always, shoppers can expect various exciting offers and programs such as door prizes, point rewards programs, midnight sales, and most definitely discount offers up to 70%. Not only are high end malls such as the Pasaraya, Pacific Place, Grand Indonesia, Plaza Indonesia, Gandaria City, Central Park, Mall of Indonesia offering huge discounts, but wholesale centers such as the Mangga Dua or Tanah Abang Center, - center for batik, Muslim wear, embroideries and accessories for wholesale and retail – as well as other malls on the outskirts of the city such as Mal Cijantung, CITOS, Tamini Square, will all be joining the fray in this ultimate shopping fiesta.This year, the festival organizers have set the target of IDR15.74 trillion in total of transactions. ”We are optimistic that the total retail sales target of IDR15.74 trillion can be achieved. This target projects an increase of 8% over last year’s sales which was recorded at IDR14.58 trillion” said Ellen Hidayat, chairperson of Jakarta Great Sale 2016 Festival 2016 as quoted from their official website. For over one full month, Jakarta will be the place to be for Shophaholics from the entire region. Wide selections of goods and mind blowing discounts of branded items and unique products will decorate the entire city. Along with the Jakarta Fair exhibition and entertainment Festival, the Jakarta Great Sale Festival will promise to transform Jakarta into one big shopping paradise for one whole month.More Information is available at: http://festivaljakartagreatsale.com/Image source: www.bisnis.liputan6.com

  • What's on Board
    26 May 2016

    In conjunction with the anniversary of Jakarta which falls on 22nd June, the metropolitan capital city will again stage its annual mega exhibition and entertainment show for over a full month when the Jakarta Fair Kemayoran 2016 takes place from 10th June to 17th July 2016 at the Jakarta International Exhibition Center, Kemayoran. Scheduled to open for over a whole month period, this is undisputedly the largest and most festive fair in Indonesia.As always, the event will feature pavilions from provincial governments, corporations, and small and medium scale enterprises. Various top products from all scales of businesses will fill booths and pavilions at the sprawling Jakarta International Exhibition Center at Kemayoran. The fair will also be enhanced with various art performances to entertain visitors, ranging from spectacular musical shows from top artists of the country, the Miss Jakarta Fair Beauty Pageant, Carnivals, and many others.Coinciding with the Muslim’s fasting month of Ramadhan and the Eid al-Fitr celebration, this year organizers will also provide takjil (snacks and beverages) for visitors to break their fast. The organizers will also transform concert stages as the place where visitors can conduct their Maghrib and Tarawih prayers in congregation (jamaah) since the stage areas can hold thousands of people.This year, there will be over 2500 booths and pavilions showcasing some of the best products on the market as well as attractive discount offers. Among some of the products on offer in the festival are fashion and textiles, household items, electronic appliances, gadgets, automotive, handicrafts, health products, and a whole lot more.Originally called Pasar Gambir, held on Merdeka Square, - in colonial days called Koningsplein,  - the Fair has been moved to its present location at the Jakarta International Expo in Kemayoran.  Not just a prime exhibition of all kinds of Indonesian-made products, Jakarta Fair has consistently retained its original concept of a  Night Market Fair that offers recreation, shopping and fun for the whole family.        More information available at: http://www.jakartafair.co.id/Image source: http://www.jakartafair.co.id/

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  • What's New
    5 Jul 2016

    After the explosion at the Solo Police Office this morning, where the only casualty was the perpetrator himself, Indonesia's Tourism Minister, Arief Yahya, affirms that, even while this is the peak season when millions of Indonesians are on the road to spend Eid with their families, Indonesia continues to be safe for domestic and international travellers and tourists alike.President Joko Widodo from Padang in West Sumatra  urged all citizens to remain calm and continue to hold Eid prayers in peace, and not be afraid of terrorism although all must continue to remain on alert. Indonesia celebrates Eid on Wednesday, 6 July 2016.Meanwhile, Mayor of Solo in Central Java, F.X. Hadi Rudiyatmo confirmed that the city remains calm and safe for all to celebrate Eid ul Fitri. All religious and other festivities will continue to be held as planned since security has been coordinated with the Military and the Police.In the meantine, Indonesia's Chief of Police, General Badrodin Haiti explained to the press that in the morning of Tuesday, 5 July at 07.30am a sole motorcyclists tried to force his way into the premises of the Solo Police Headoffice, but was stopped by the guard. Hereupon he turned around and blew himself up immediately killing himself. Fortunately the guard named Bambang Adi was only slightly hurt.Following this incident security has been tightened across Indonesia including at the country's busiest airports of Jakarta and Bali.

  • What's New
    4 Jul 2016

    On Saturday, 13 August 2016 the wondrous highlands of Tana Toraja, north of Makassar, capital of the province of South Sulawesi will come alive as the Toraja Marathon 2016 gets underway, when hundreds of runners compete not just to be the fastest distance runner but, more so to emerge as champion over a most challenging terrain.If until today Toraja is better known for its unique funeral ceremonies and tombs high up the cliffs, Toraja now wants to show another face of this fascinating destination which possesses extensive terrain for sports featuring horizons of green hills and steep cliffs, expanse of rice terraces and valleys cut by rushing rivers and plains studded with welcoming villages, and inviting coffee plantations where the Toraja Coffee, - one of the tastiest coffee in the world - is grown.     The Toraja Marathon  is divided into the following categories, namely for 5K, 10K,  the half marathon (23K) and the full marathon (at 42 K), combining road running with semi trail through cities and quaint Toraja villages. Along the route people will cheer runners on, and there will be music and cultural performances from each region along the track.The Coordinating Committee of the Toraja Marathon which comprises officials of Tana Toraja and North Toraja, works jointly with Exotica Toraja as Event Organizer and the Running Explorer as Race Organizers. The Committee looks forward to participation of 1,000 runners.Registration can be made online which has been opened since 20 March 2016 at www.torajamarathon.com. For runners and supports additional information is also provided as to what other attractions to take while you are in Toraja.While those already in Makassar and Toraja can register directly at the following addresses:     Tribun Timur office, Jl. Cendrawasih No. 430, Makassar, South Sulawesi.     Mambo Restaurant, Jl. Dr. Ratulangi Bo. 34, Rantepao, North Toraja.     Chimsky Café, Jl. Pongtiku, Rantepao, North Toraja.For more information, log on to www.torajamarathon.com.

  • What's New
    1 Jul 2016

    The mist-shrouded highlands of the Dieng Plateau in Central Java will come alive with festivity from 5th to 7th August 2016 when the Dieng Culture Festival 2016gets underway.  Held annually as a community celebration, the festival presents a variety of art and cultural performances, an exhibition of Dieng's finest products, and as pinnacle the unique dreadlock kids’ ritual ceremony  (or Ruwatan anak gembel/gimbal).The festival is highlighted with the release of traditional lanterns, a popular leather puppet wayang  show, traditional art and cultural performances, and a fireworks fiesta. Adding sparkle to the festival will be a Dieng Film Festival and Jazz performances entitled Jazz above the Clouds. And, as in every year, the pinnacle of the festival will be the ritual of trimming off of dreadlocks of kids.Being the main feature of the festival, this ceremony is truly exceptional. While globally dreadlock hair is commonly known as Rastafarian style from Jamaica, here in the highlands of Dieng, dreadlock, or matted hair is not a chosen style but rather a mystifying feature that only occurs in children of the Dieng plateau.Dieng's dreadlocked children are born with normal hair, but at a certain moment in their young life, their hair amazingly turns dreadlock all by itself. Various studies to scientifically investigate the cause have not resulted in any logical explanation. According to local belief, however, these kids are somehow chosen by the ancestors to accept these gifts.  The dreadlocks may, therefore, not be trimmed unless the children themselves ask for it, or such hair will continue to grow back. The precious moment when the dreadlock kids’ hair is shaven off is celebrated in a series of ritual ceremonies known as the Ruwatan Anak Gimbal.The ceremony commences with the procession of the dreadlock kids carried around the village, paraded on a Javanese traditional horse drawn carriage orDokar guarded by Manggala Yudha or royal troops and followed by various traditional art processions. The special kids will then be taken to the Arjuna Temple in the Dieng Temple complex where the ritual of the dreadlock hair cutting will take place. Subsequently, the shaven off hair is taken to the lake and submerged here as symbol of returning the hair back to the ancestors.Located about three hours’ drive away from Yogyakarta or two hours south west from the city of Semarang, the Dieng highlands are truly a marvel all their own. Literally translated as the "Abode of the Gods", the Dieng plateau not only presents a remarkable collection of temples believed to have been built in the 8thcentury, but it is also set in a fascinating mountainous background and surrounded by the mystical culture of its people.More Information is available at the event’s official website: http://www.dieng.id/

  • What's New
    1 Jul 2016

    From 20th to 21st July 2016, magnificent Mount Bromo, the imposing icon of East Java, will be highlighted with a fascinating cultural attraction when the indigenous Tenggerese  who live on the slopes of  this mountain, conduct the ritual ceremony of Yadnya Kasada.The Yadnya Kasada (or more popularly known as Kesodo) is a festival held every 14th day of the Kasada Month in the traditional Hindu lunar calendar. This ceremony is held to honor Sang Hyang Widhi, God Almighty, and is based on the ancient legend of Roro Anteng and Joko Seger.Legend has it that a couple named Roro Anteng and Joko Seger remained childless after many years of marriage. Therefore they meditated atop Mount Bromo, beseeching the mountain gods for assistance. The gods granted them 24 children on the condition that the 25th child must be thrown into the volcano as human sacrifice. The gods’ request was observed, and so the tradition of offering sacrifices thrown into the volcano to appease the deities continues until today, but, of course, with no sacrifices of humans.  Instead, today chickens, goats and vegetables are thrown into the crater as sacrifice.Yadnya Kasada is observed by the Tenggerese, who are descendants of the aristocracy of the once powerful 13th century Majapahit kingdom in East Java.  At the fall of the Majapahit empire they fled and took refuge in the upper slopes of Mt. Bromo. Despite the fact that the majority of Javanese have converted to Islam, this unique community , nonetheless, continues to cling to their ancient beliefs from the days of Majapahit until today. Similar to the Hindu Balinese, the Tenggerese worship Ida Sang Hyang Widi Wasa, the Almighty God, along with the Trimurti gods, of Brahma, Shiva, and Vishnu, with added elements of Animism and Mahayana Buddhism.On the day of Yadnya Kasada , devotees who have journeyed up the mountain, will pray together atop the mountain and then throw their offerings into the crater of the volcano. The sacrifice include vegetables, fruit, livestock, flowers as well as money, and are offered in grateful thanks for an abundance of agricultural produce and livestock given to them. Sometimes locals clamber down into the crater despite obvious dangers, to retrieve the sacrificed goods, which are believed to bring them good luck.Visitors and tourists are welcome to watch this ceremony, so a number of travel agents in East Java offer special tours to Mt. Bromo starting from Surabaya or Malang, which include a pre-dawn horseback ride across the sand-sea of Bromo and the unforgettable sunrise over this mountain range.  The active volcano of Mt. Bromo forms part of the Bromo-Semeru National Park.

  • What's New
    28 Jun 2016

    From 26 to 28 October the Riau Islands will come alive when hundreds of boats from traditional sampans to modern yachts and larger boats, all gaily decorated with bunting, flags and lights will make a sail-pass upriver along the Sungai Carang, starting from the Sri Bintan Pura seaport at Tanjung Pinang on Bintan island.The Sungai Carang (or Carang river) Festival commemorates the victory of the Riau kingdom under Raja Ali Haji Fisabilillah against the invading Dutch fleet in 1784.After sailing upriver, the boats will then turn around, arriving at Penyengat island  in the evening to form a sail pass parade at the Official Opening ceremony of the Bintan Maritime Festival 2016, which will be held on 28 October 2016.The 28th October also happens to be another historic moment in modern Indonesia’s history, since on this day  in 1928, - long before Indonesia’s Declaration of Independence on 17 August 1945, -  the youth of the sprawling Dutch East Indies already pledged, together to create : One Country, one nation and one language for the entire archipelago : Indonesia . And it was from Penyengat with its sophisticated Malay language, that Bahasa Indonesia has its roots.This year the Bintan Maritime Festival is also fused with the Sail Karimata Festival, which is held in conjunction with the Karimata Yacht Rally that joins participants from Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries.  To celebrate this auspicious occasion thousands of colorful lanterns will be released to light up the evening sky.    Although the Sungai Carang Festival commemorates an event in the Riau Malay history, these festivities are also joined by those of Chinese descent and other ethnic groups, expressing harmony and togetherness regardless of ethnic or other backgrounds.  Image Source: batampos.co.id

  • What's New
    27 Jun 2016

    Video by @kylormelton Featuring @mikaikarl @chelseakauai Music by Odesza / Hayden James

  • What's New
    24 Jun 2016

    Lombok in West Nusa Tenggara is set to host the international cycling marathon Gran Fondo New York (GFNY) Indonesia 2016.This would be the first time for Lombok to host one of the world's greatest cycling marathons.Other countries hosting the marathon this year include the United States, Mexico, Argentina, Colombia, France, Germany and Italy. The peak of this event will take place in New York, the U.S., on 21 May 2017.GFNY Indonesia will be held on 2 October 2016 and will have two courses available for enthusiastic cyclists: the competitive long distance course (180 km) and non-competitive short distance course (80 km). Both courses will start and end at Senggigi, Lombok’s famed tourist resort.  Cyclists will be able to spin their way across the breathtaking landscape Lombok has to offer. Unlike its bustling neighbour Bali, Lombok is a laid back tranquil island bordered with white sandy beaches and clear crystal waters. Senggigi is a resort area at the west coast of Lombok and the perfect base for participants to explore the island."I have extensive experience with organizing long distance cycling events in Indonesia," said GFNY Indonesia founder, Axel Moeller, who thinks that Lombok is the perfect place to hold the race. "With GFNY, we're now bringing competitive cycling to Lombok. The host town of Senggigi offers a series of sweeping bays, with light-sand beaches sitting below a backdrop of jungle-clad mountains and coconut palms. Riders can expect a typical GFNY event."While only a few participants will aim to win the marathon, many will strive to reach among the top 10% finishers in their category to qualify for a racer corral spot at the GFNY Championship in NYC on21 May 2017.For more information, please visit www.gfnyindonesia.com

  • What's New
    22 Jun 2016

    On 24th to 26th September 2016, the spotlight will turn to Palu, capital city of Central Sulawesi Province, when the Palu Nomoni Festival 2016 takes place with festivity and vibrant attractions. The annual festival which started in 2008 was initially called Palu Bay Festival, however, this year the word “Nomoni” – meaning resounding- taken from the local Kaili ethnic language, has been added to illustrate the intention to let the beauty of Palu reverberate throughout the world.The 3 days exciting festival will feature various art and cultural attractions including a colossal music performance of 520 Lalove (traditional flutes) and 1,040 Gimba (traditional percussions) on the spectacular bamboo stage illuminated by lights of Sulo (traditional torches) which will be placed in 520 points along the bay of Palu. There will also be the sandeq traditional boat race, a swimming competition to cross the bay of Palu, and other exciting competitions.Starting this year, the festival will also be highlighted with the “Palu Nomoni International Marathon” which is the first ever Marathon event in the city. Targeting participation of 2,000 runners, the race will be divided into the categories of Full Marathon (42,195K), Half Marathon (21,1K), 10K, and 5K. More than just a running competition, participants will be taken to some of the amazing spots of Palu including the 7km track on the shoreline leading to the finish line.Building up the hype for the festival, the official launch of the Palu Nomoni Festival 2016 was held on Monday, 20th June 2016 at the Soesilo Soedirman Hall at the Sapta Pesona Building (the office of the Ministry of Tourism), in Jakarta which was attended by the Minister of Tourism Arief Yahya, the Mayor of Palu Hidayat, the Vice Mayor of Palu Sigit Purnomo Said, and the Vice Governor of Central Sulawesi Province Sudarto. “The main goal of the festival is obviously to further promote Palu as a top tourist destination in Central Sulawesi. The festival is also expected to help boost the arrival of tourists to the city which this year is targeted at 500,000 domestic and 25,000 international tourists” said Mayor Hidayat as reported by kompas.com.Meanwhile, Minister Arief Yahya expressed his appreciation for the annual event and its role to preserve the various cultural splendors that have grown into tourist attractions. ”The event is a perfect media to preserve and develop the traditional culture of the local people, at the same time boost the economy of the region” added Minister Arief Yahya.The city of Palu, capital of the province of Central Sulawesi sits on the “neck” of the K shaped island of Sulawesi. Palu is the gateway to the Lore Lindu National Park and the mysterious Bada valley, where lie scattered megalithic statues resembling those on Easter Island, while further east is the diving haven of the Togean Islands.Sources: traveltourismindonesia.com , kompas.com